Annnnd we’re back! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, a happy Chanukah, and/or a pleasant other seasonal holiday. Now that we’re all back to work, I figured we could ease into things by thinking about the future, namely 2013. It’s only a week away, and this is the perfect time to take a look at your strategies for SEO, marketing with Twitter and Facebook, and digital marketing in general.

Next Tuesday, you’re going to have a New Year’s resolution. It’s probably going to be one of the classic favorites like eating better, working out, or finally watching every James Bond film in consecutive order by release date. In addition to those though, you should endeavor to also have a New Year’s resolution for your business.

What should it be? Think it over, but don’t wait too long. Whatever changes you decide to implement should be ready to go on the first of the year. The mistake many people make is that they wait until the first to decide, and then they move slowly enacting, and then before you know it your business plan is collecting dust in the basement like that elliptical and that copy of Moonraker. Don’t let this happen to you.

Use this next week, which is a notoriously slow week for many industries anyway, to really reflect. No one knows your business like yourself, but it can be all too easy to loose your own insight when you’re rushing around putting out fires all the time. You have exactly a week until 2013, so resolve to do something great with the new year. Take a risk, trim some fat, shake things up a little bit. Hit the ground running January 1st and let the momentum carry you into a bold new year

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