We are all chasing that elusive thing we call success. Every person deep in their heart has a desire to achieve, to contribute, and to feel like what they do makes a difference. No one wakes up and says, "I want to pursue mediocrity and fail." So how do you define success in life? What does it mean to you? Until you define the outcome you are chasing, you will never know when you have arrived at your desired destiny. Here are 5 Dos and 5 Don'ts to assist you on your journey. Each one has a question associated with it. Take the time to do more than think about your answers. Stop and take the action of writing or typing them out. That simple act holds yourself accountable, further driving you forward.

The Five Dos

  1. Do take the time to write out your definition of personal success. What do I really want?
  2. Do invest time in your personal development and become a life-long learner. What do I need to know to have the success in life I desire?
  3. Do focus on developing and maintaining the winner's attitude necessary to achieve your most important goals and dreams. What can I do differently every day in order to become a positive, joyful, enthusiastic participant in life?
  4. Do take advantage of your time every day by creating detailed plans of action that you are committed to executing. How can I more effectively use my time in order to become more efficient and productive on a consistent basis?
  5. Do spend time every day visualizing your goals as achievable outcomes. What must I do to spend more time developing a success-oriented belief system that will help me take mental ownership of my own success journey?

The Five Don'ts

  1. Don't ever believe someone else will be more interested in your personal success than you will be. What must I do take a higher level level of personal responsibility for my own success?
  2. Don't blame others for your issues, setbacks, or struggles in life. What can I do to hold myself accountable for my own actions, effort, and results?
  3. Don't spend time with negative people who have nothing to contribute to your journey and desired outcomes. What can I do to eliminate the negative people from my circle who are holding me back and serving as roadblocks in my path to success?
  4. Don't ever fall into the losing trap of believing the world owes you anything. What must I change in order to break through the barriers between me and the success I desire?
  5. Don't ever quit, slow down, or give up when things get hard or life kicks you in the teeth. What must I do in order to always believe that if I just keep giving my all by hustling and executing that I will ultimately win?

Please review these ten strategies and questions. Take the time to do an analysis of yourself and then take action. Define what success means to you, and begin the chase. There is nothing you can't do if you truly believe in yourself and see value in the effort required to be successful.

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." ~ Winston S. Churchill

"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." ~ Leonardo da Vinci 

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