5 Exciting Ways to Use Social Media to Leverage Your Brand in the Automotive Industry!

Social Networking is still in its infancy stages. Still, the interaction between web browsers and the opportunity to grow your brand is extremely exciting. As the President of Fixed Performance, we specialized in automobile dealership consulting. While Fixed Performance constantly helps dealerships maximize their gross profit, one of the company’s main goals heading into 2011 was to leverage the brand using social media. By providing tips and pointers to the online community, we figured our web traffic would grow and the company would become more recognizable.

Below is a list of five exciting ways that Fixed Performance is using social media to leverage the brand.  Nothing on this list is a “secret.” By following these steps though, you can become a trendsetter in the field of new and emerging media in the automotive industry!

  • Constant Content – While the quality of content is extremely important, posting content on a consistent basis is crucial. In order for people to look forward to your posts, they need to know when to expect it. In addition to posting our content at least 4-5 times a week (we consider that consistent content), we generally post our status in the morning right when people are heading into work.
  • Videos – Would you rather read a book or watch television? (If you chose a book, you’re just old school). Fixed Performance realizes that by posting videos our content is instantly separated from the majority of the competition. Did you also know that Google owns YouTube so every time you post a video onto YouTube it helps with your companies Google rankings!
  • Blog Posts – Videos are considered “rich media” but we still value well-written articles. As the President of Fixed Performance, I have always had a passion for writing. To leverage my monthly newsletter (which you can subscribe to for free) I will post articles on a consistent basis onto the Fixed Performance Blog! Also, by integrating your to your website, you will improve your overall SEO as well!
  • Interaction – When I post a status related to my company on Facebook or send out a blog post, that is just the beginning process.  I make sure that I respond to every question or comment to answer any questions that the web browser may have.
  • Be Helpful – Someone is more likely to watch a video or read a blog article if it benefits his or her business. At Fixed Performance, we always keep that in mind when we post content. For businesses to be successful, they need to offer a service that is beneficial to the consumer. The same is true for social media.

Rob Gehring is the President of Fixed Performance
Be sure to “Friend” Rob Gehring on Facebook and Subscribe to his free monthly newsletter! 

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