Media reports have indicated that 100 million cars have been under recall since the start of 2014, with 74.2 million in 2014. According to, vehicles under recall may not have a transfe…

Media reports have indicated that 100 million cars have been under recall since the start of 2014, with 74.2 million in 2014. According to, vehicles under recall may not have a transfer processed until paperwork can be provided of the completed service. According to, this added safety measure generates an additional step in the transfer process but is a necessary part to ensure vehicle safety.
Recalls Part of the OEM Marketing Strategy? has received feedback from a growing number of customers who have mentioned that their dealer has encouraged them to trade in their car at the time of recall service. It is widely documented that service is a large part of the dealer revenue strategy, and customers are often shown opportunities for upgrade when they’re in for service – even on a lease.
A few additional points of interest from

  • Recalled vehicles with transfers are across all segments, and both foreign and domestic
  • Buyers appreciate this part of the process before completion as it ensures an added level of safety and convenience
  • Any OEM marketing strategy may ultimately misdirected since they’re targeting customers who were already in the process of exiting their vehicle

“American drivers have become a bit immune to vehicles under recall over the last several years, and perhaps the sheer volume of recalled vehicles hasn’t helped,” said Scot Hall, Executive Vice President of “We think requiring completing recalls is absolutely the right thing to do in every case, and fortunately our customers are aware and fully support this part of the process.”

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