A gift wrapped box of Personal Development!!

For most organizations…the process of interviewing…hiring…and training a new employee…doesn’t last long…


Most organizations feel that they have hired a competent individual…and the individual will inspire themselves to learn and grow…


The sad part is…organizations expect ALL employees to come out of a pretty little gift-wrapped box…with all of the knowledge and discipline…to go forward…


All the organization needs to do…is to take that individual… out of that gift-wrapped box… and put them in place…


This is why a lot of companies fail to develop talent…and are constantly searching for the next… pretty little gift wrapped box…


Organizations need to personally develop all of its employees…


Not just on the skills that are needed for performing their jobs…but skills that help them expand their lives…


Skills that help the employee become a better all around person…and an asset to the company…


Does your organization inspire its employees…to expand and grow their lives??


After all…what are the employees working toward??


What are there personal aspirations??


What kind of life does the employee want to live…outside of the workplace???


Here are 7 steps…that you can present to your employees…to help them get a better understanding of how to enrich their lives…


# 1 – A desire to see or do something new…


We are all looking to break out of the doldrums…to go somewhere we have never been before…or do something we have never done before…


Take some time to experience something new….


# 2 – A desire to see or do something grand…


Do you think anybody would go and see the “Tiny” canyon??...NO WAY…


But hundreds of thousands of people go see the Grand Canyon…


What GRAND thing do you have planned for your life…


Make it big…you only go around once…


# 3 – A desire to learn….


Are you involved in anything that causes you to continually learn and grow?


Are you reading any books…listening to any audio…watching any video?


How can you possibly go forward in life…using the same skill sets you learned years ago?


# 4 – A willingness to be spontaneous…


If life feels boring or the same everyday…you aren’t willing to just sometimes…go with the flow…and do something completely out of character…


Now…I’m not talking about anything that is illegal…immoral…or unethical…


I’m talking about just letting yourself go in the moment…and feel uninhibited…


It could be liberating…


# 5 – An expectation that there will be breakdowns…


In the movie Forrest Gump…Forrest says it perfectly….


“life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you are going to get”…


Not everyday…or every situation is going to work out perfectly in your life…


Know this going in…and it won’t wreak havoc upon you when it happens…


When you hit the wall…don’t splatter…learn to bounce…


# 6 – Focus on fun….


Whatever the adventure is…we usually expect to have fun…don’t we?


Your entire life needs to have that same feeling…


You have 2 choices when you get up every morning…you can either engage life and have fun…or let life run you over and be depressed…


What do you choose???


And lastly…you need to have a clear destination…


Ultimately…our adventure usually has a clear destination…


It may be the top of the mountain…or it may be getting the entire family together at a resort…


Whatever it may be…have a clear destination…a clear goal…it’s what gives us all… a little purpose…



Personally develop the people in your organization…it will inspire them…


And if you have inspired people…your organization will go far…



To view a video of this blog, please go to the following link:


Personal Development - Jim Kristoff video




About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of the automotive environment.


You can follow me on:


My website: www.JimKristoff.com  

Twitter: @jimkristoff

WordPress blogsite: http://jimkristoff.wordpress.com/

Blogspot blog: http://jimkristoff.blogspot.com/

DealerElite.net: http://www.dealerelite.net/profile/JimKristoff

LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkristoff  

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/jimkristoff


Views: 91


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Comment by Stephanie Young on August 31, 2011 at 4:25pm
I like the new band name....it has a nice rock-n-roller ring to it.  LOL  Our fans will love us and their parents will fear us!!!
Comment by Marsh Buice on August 31, 2011 at 3:54pm
Now, that's a plan....LOLLOL
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 31, 2011 at 3:52pm
Marsh....LOL.....I say we all just get drunk and.........
Comment by Marsh Buice on August 31, 2011 at 3:42pm

Stephanie, our band may get renamed The Jail-Bait's: I'm turning around at the bar and bump into a guy, the guy snaps off at the mouth, Jim bear-hugs the dude, his buddy jumps in and mouths off, You jump in and threaten to put him in a Yoga Downward Dog position-never to stand upright again, the guy pushes you, Bobby roundhouses both of 'em to sleep

Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 31, 2011 at 3:40pm
I can do a great "sprinkler".....my sound effects spray out of my mouth...so people actually get "sprinkled"....LOL........
Comment by Stephanie Young on August 31, 2011 at 3:33pm
I can't wait to take this tour on the road!!!!!  I might even break out my favorite wedding dance...the lawn mover and sprinkler!!!
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 31, 2011 at 2:05pm
The Pinot's will ROCK THE HOUSE!!
Comment by Marsh Buice on August 31, 2011 at 1:57pm
The tour I meant was with our band The Pinot's
Comment by Marsh Buice on August 31, 2011 at 1:07pm
LOL no that the Tom Jones...I'll show you the Cabbage Patch when we go on Tour!!
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 31, 2011 at 1:02pm

Thanks Marsh!

Does the "Cabbage Patch" dance look anything like the 'Carlton" (Fresh Prince)????

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