A Market we should all be watching and participating in.

Automotive News on customizing...

Automotive news says its a $30 Billion business.  Manufacturers are doing little to tap the market and dealers even less. This is no longer a market to watch.  It is time to get involved.  Do something.  Do anything, but don't sit idle.  We are testing the waters with stylish leathers, matte finishes and wheels.  Customers love to look and love to buy.  You might "dress up" the wrong car.  Customers will say "wow- if that were a sedan I'd buy it", It it were...a coupe....silver...white... you get it.  The answer is "we can customize whatever you want!"  The point is it introduces the possibilities.  It gets the "purchasing juice flowing".  It gets salespeople and consumers excited!  Don't wait.  Just do it.

Views: 264


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Comment by Luke Paglione on December 14, 2012 at 12:44pm


     This is an awesome idea!! This is something that I really support and wish more dealers embraced. This could be a gold mine and alot of dealers shy away due to lack of education on the after market. I cant tell you how many customers of mine have asked about wheels or performance parts and the factory does not offer many options. I think that with people that have knowlege on this market and passion about cars this could do really well!! Best of luck with this and if you ever need some idea's or want to toss around some ideas let me know!!

Comment by Ashley Poag on July 13, 2012 at 11:43am

Adam, it’s great that you recognized the revenue potential in offering personalization before leaving the dealership rather than giving that business away to places like Pep Boys and O’Reilly’s.  Insignia Group is the leader in showing dealerships how to establish and grow their accessories profit center. Here’s a post I just put up : How can dealerships replicate Apple’s success selling accessories? It also has a video demonstrating how are system works on an iPad.

Comment by Adam Barish on July 7, 2012 at 9:53am

I will be the first to tell you we have a long way to go.  It takes constant attention and tweaking.  Salespeople are lazy, F&I goes for the regular products.  A dedicated accessory salesperson takes supervision, money and attention.  The thing is to keep doing.

Comment by DealerELITE on July 7, 2012 at 1:06am

Great topic... There is a lot of money being left on the table at dealerships that do not have an effective aftermarket and accessory sales program. It is time for dealers to hit this profit center hard and do it right.

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