I like you guys. A lot.


What I love about all of us is that we're all from different areas of the automotive biz. We all have one other thing in common (other than the obvious connection to the automotive realm), and that's the desire to help and inspire others.


That said, here's the idea:

We all have something that we want to do. Something bigger than what we're doing right now. From how to get our websites higher on Google, to some new sales training methods, to recommendations for a hotel in Hawaii.


Or maybe it's your big dream. Want to make the jump from being a BDC rep to a sales manager? Want to get involved in a different aspect of the automotive biz. Maybe you want to go skydiving and need a partner. Trying to get that book published? Want to train a sales team on the importance of listening?


So, what I'm asking you to do is to share your big dream, or what you need right now in the comments below.  There's power in being brave enough to share that big dream. We're all super supportive of each other, so you know you'll at least have the support of this amazing community.


But that's not all you can get out of this.

Once you share your big, scary goal/dream, read through what others have shared. Can you lend a hand? Have a connection in your circle who might be able to help fuel someone else's dream? Think of it as being someone's fairy godmother (or father!). Who DIDN'T want to fly as a kid?


I can't help but imagine all of the amazing people in all of our ciricle's that might be able to help someone else and this Resource Circle could be a great way to get a little push in the right direction of your big goals. One of us might hold the key to your pushing through the brick wall you're at!


I'll start:


I want to hear all of your big goals and I want this resource circle to take off, so that we help each other accomplish big (and little!) things. 

Views: 183


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Comment by Daryl Fawler on May 4, 2012 at 12:21pm

My goal would be to own my own dealership. The best way to succeed is to take care of customers. That mentality has to start at the top and be encouraged through each department and every employee. If every decision was made with the customer in mind, the profits will follow. I've seen enough of the reverse. People will gladly pay for great service, sales experiences etc.

Comment by Katie Colihan on May 4, 2012 at 10:41am

Kevin! Love this! 

You nailed it at the end: "If we don't improve it, we will lose it". 

Comment by Matt Page on April 29, 2012 at 10:24pm

Dear Katie,

My career coach out here in Southern California has some when he worked at Jaguar-Land Rover when they were in So Cal.

Comment by Katie Colihan on April 29, 2012 at 9:26pm

Matthew - how awesome is that? I know a dealer in New Jersey who sells Kia, but no connections in the corporate world. Will keep an eye out, though!

Comment by Matt Page on April 28, 2012 at 6:58pm

I want to work for Kia in the corporate office in Irvine to establish a program and design cars for the disabled customer!

Comment by Katie Colihan on April 28, 2012 at 2:19pm

Ralph- You inspire me on the regular, so that has surely been achieved, at least on my level. :)

Comment by Katie Colihan on April 28, 2012 at 2:18pm

Manny - I think those are words of a true person in the biz. It's not all about the money. It's about helping people. Many often forget that.

Comment by MANNY LUNA on April 28, 2012 at 2:56am

I want to build the finest white hat digital marketing company in the industry and help our dealers become the backbone and the lifeblood of the USA! While this happens, giving back and helping others will always be our number one priority!

Comment by Ralph Paglia on April 28, 2012 at 2:11am

I want to achieve my goal of having more people in the car business sincerely feel and believe that I helped them become successful than any other mentor, trainer, consultant, friend, manager, author, blogger in the auto industry...

Comment by Katie Colihan on April 27, 2012 at 6:37pm

I really would LOVE to get into motivational speaking to BDC departments on how to effectively communicate with customers. That's my big dream! 

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