AdAgencyOnline.Net is a respected automotive advertising resource / networking portal supported by Ad Agency Online, L.L.C.,(AAOL), a national network of independent automotive advertising agencies, production partners and select vendors. The affiliated offices of AAOL are linked by the online communication / distribution system developed by Philip Zelinger, the president of AAOL and the host of the blog talk radio station hosted on the portal,
WAAOL, All Automotive Advertising News All The Time. The blog talk radio shows featured on WAAOL usually focus on bleeding edge automotive advertising technologies that, according to Philip, "Blur the line between the real and the virtual world." However, this week's Lunch With Phil Discussing Automotive Advertising show scheduled to air Wednesday, May, 05, 2010 between 12:00 Noon EST and 12:30 PM EST will be discussing a new automotive advertising vendor,
Phone-up Ninjas, that focuses on old world telephone techniques that may have been overlooked in today's Internet driven marketplace.
Philip explained his reason for reviewing Phone-up Ninjas and for scheduling his pending interview with Jerry Thibeau, their President and Founder. "
Automotive advertising agencies have accepted a new role in today's challenging economy that includes whatever it takes to sell vehicles and service. Automotive advertising agencies can no longer limit their areas of responsibility to bringing traffic to the front door. Internal selling systems integrated with technology driven processes that link their virtual online showrooms with their brick and mortar facilities share a common element that has survived intact on the Internet Super Highway -- human nature. The people part of any process is often the weakest link and telephone skills are still an integral component of communication systems in real and virtual world auto dealerships.
"New customer interaction platforms, like AutoTransaXion provided by our vendor client
Argistics, offer a two way video online transaction platform that promises to push through the glass wall between salespeople and their online shoppers. The expectation is that developing online transaction tools, such as AutoTransaXion, will eliminate the need for online sales people to disengage from their initial customer interaction with an email to deliver information or even a telephone call to schedule an appointment. Unfortunately, the vast majority of today's buyers still prefer to keep the glass wall up between themselves and the sales person to allow them time to make a decision; and that is where and why most dealerships drop the ball."
"The people skills needed to maintain control over a customer have always been important. However, the Internet has empowered consumers with the ability to gather information from sources other than the auto dealer so now they are critical to the survival of an auto dealership in today's challenging economy with reduced sales volume and profit margins. Today's educated consumer demands that all online communications, including telephone calls to gather information not provided on the websites, are transparent and relevant. Sales people still need to provide information about themselves and their dealership to differentiate them from competing online dealerships and information resources, however there is a fine line between relationship based selling and self serving sales hype; that's where Phone-up Ninjas comes in."
Automotive advertising agencies and their auto dealer clients understand the importance of maintaining telephone skills. Telephone training has always held a priority position in any comprehensive plan. You must inspect what you expect and managing and monitoring telephone calls, both in-bound leads and out-bound follow-up, is job one for many sales managers. However, the immediacy of today's Internet demands and the limited tolerance of online shoppers have required more management oversight and support than previously needed or even possible give the limitations of monitoring systems and processes in most business development and/or call centers. Phone-up Ninjas provides a combination of one-on-one training, outsourced resources and web based managing / monitoring functions that promote best practices with easily accessed R.O.I. analytics to prove that the job is getting done."
"AdAgencyOnline.Net will continue to focus on bleeding edge website conversion tools and lead generators in addition to AutoTransaXion.
GetAutoAppraise, for example, provides NADA sourced appraisal values for online consumers with inventory information to select a replacement vehicle with their consumer friendly lead generator tool. Similarly, we will continue to advise our auto dealer clients to invest in online lead sources like our vendor client
ronsmap -- which is a game changing consumer-centric inventory based marketing platform powered by social media -- and
SiSTeR Technologies with their automated video production platform producing interactive videos posted on an auto dealer's website as well as individually indexed onto the search engines with their dedicated API with You Tube driving leads back to the dealer's CRM. However we also need to insure that when the leads are generated that they are handled properly on the telephone when warranted. Phone-up Ninjas fits perfectly into our promise to blur the line between the real and the virtual world with their combination of best practices and technology to create efficiencies needed to maximize the R.O.I. for our clients before, during and after the sale."
About Jerry Thibeau
Mr. Thibeau first entered the automotive world in 1985 selling Subaru’s in Waterville, Maine. Jerry eventually decided to move to Rochester, NY where he quickly became a top producer at Holtz House of Vehicles selling Mazda’s and Volvo’s. Over the years Jerry has worn many hats in the dealership world. The last seven years have been spent as a consultant and coach working with sales people and managers on the effective techniques associated with the phone, Internet and CRM usage. Jerry has personally trained well over 10,000 dealership personnel during the last seven years. While visiting dealerships, Jerry will often get on the phone and start scheduling appointments with customers, thus earning him the nickname, “The Phone Ninja.” This of course is why he decided to name his training company “Phone-up Ninjas.”
About Phone-up Ninjas
Founded by Jerry Thibeau in 2009, Phone-up Ninjas specializes in helping dealerships increase appointment production by teaching salespeople and managers how to effectively schedule more appointments using the telephone and Internet. What sets Phone-up Ninjas apart from their competition is how they will work with dealers after the initial training to ensure the proper techniques are being utilized by dealership personnel. With their Coach-a-Call program, they will listen to, coach and score real sales calls as they are handled by salespeople. Current clients are experiencing a 50 to 100 percent increase in appointment production on phone and Internet leads. Here’s an example of a salesperson who has taken his game to the next level:
About Philip Zelinger
Philip Zelinger is the President of Ad Agency Online, L.L.C. and the founder of
AdAgencyOnline.Net. He invested 25 years as a General Manager and Dealer Principal followed by his last ten years in the automotive advertising industry learning from the teams that he built so he can now presume to teach on forums like AdAgencyOnline.Net. His role as a “Dealer Coach” is enhanced by his hosting a nationally recognized auto industry social networking portal and blog talk radio station – WAAOL, All Automotive Advertising News All The Time. As the author of two books on the auto industry, including “How To Sell A Car – a Career Guide to The Automobile Industry,” he is a recognized authority on market trends and developing technologies with the responsibility of selecting key vendors and applications for his dealer clients as well as forming strategic partnerships for his vendor clients to leverage their shared resources to help them bring their products and services to market.
About AdAgencyOnline.Net and Ad Agency Online, L.L.C.
AdAgencyOnline.Net reviews automotive advertising vendors and new technologies on several blog talk radio shows in addition to the Lunch With Phil Discussing Automotive Advertising. Other shows include “Lunch With Ralph Discussing Automotive Advertising” and “Automotive Advertising Experts.” The shows attract automotive advertising agencies, auto dealers, auto industry vendors and O.E.M. representatives that listen to WAAOL to find vendors, applications and technologies to maximize the R.O.I. for their automotive advertising dollars.
AAOL is a national network of independent affiliated automotive advertising agencies linked by an online communication / distribution system developed by Philip Zelinger. The proprietary operating system that powers AAOL was designed to reduce fixed and semi-variable expenses for full service automotive advertising agencies. The developing technologies that enhanced the performance of the independent automotive advertising agencies linked by AAOL has served as the role model for the solutions suggested on AdAgencyOnline.Net and represented by AAOL to their affiliated automotive advertising agencies when serving their auto dealer clients.
Ad Agency Online L.L.C is focused on discovering and representing new automotive advertising vendors not yet recognized by the mainstream automotive advertising industry. Some of the automotive advertising vendors represented by AAOL include ronsmap, SiSTeR Technologies Video CarLot,
DealerMouth,, Argistics - AutoTransaXion, DealMaker.Com, CityTwist.Com, Bulldog Marketing Technologies, Kihon Media, CarFolks.Com, Ai Dealer and Laser Stream Video; with more being added weekly.
For more information on Philip Zelinger, Ad Agency Online, L.L.C., Phone-up Ninjas or any of the vendors on AdAgencyOnline.Net contact Philip at
http://AdAgencyOnline.Net. Automotive advertising vendors, automotive advertising agencies and auto dealers that would like to be considered as a “preferred automotive advertising vendor” on AdAgencyOnline.Net and/or to hire/join Ad Agency Online, L.L.C. to represent them can contact Philip Zelinger at, or call him at 888-796-2228. To quote Philip Zelinger, “Help is only a click away! After all, what are friends for!” ###
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