When you make advertising decisions as a manager or an owner of a dealership, I am certain you have felt a few of these things before.  You probably wonder if you are making a "good buy" or maybe you wonder if there is anything else you could spend your budgeted money on.  If you are the owner and have managers making the decision,  I know you are wondering if they did the due diligence to make this decision that you would do.  There is an old adage that dealers know half of their advertising is working, just not sure which half.

The logo you see above is a symbol of how all that will change and needs to change.  No longer will it be enough to have an ad agency tell you how they pulled the rankers and tell you all sorts of stories about people 25-54 that are white males and your target demographic.  (yes that was some humor, or an attempt at it)   Soon in the future, the pretty rep that radio station hired to knock on your door will have to answer a few more questions when she tells you that the station is #1 in the market.  It seems they all are #1 doesn't it..... Have you noticed that in your market too? 

I am not much for self-promotion on this site, but I felt this product coming out was of real value to those who are feeling the same things many of us did for years.   You see, I felt spending the ad dollars we do in this business we should have a more accurate way of making these decisions.  The idea is simple.  We do massive research in your market, but more importantly we bounce every buy you make or available to you off each other and score it.  If you owned a dealership or do, and your manager said hey boss, before I bought this ad or "buy" I took all of these things into consideration.

1. The actual views that someone sees a billboard not what the billboard company says is the "drive by".

2. What is the Tivo skip rate on commercials, or the amount of people percentage wise that change radio stations the second they hear a commercial.

3. What is the actual difference in the value of an impression when you take into consideration the value of audio (radio) and what value do things like visual (TV) add.  What about the value of a click through ability to a lead?

4. What is the value difference based on the targeting of the ad.....think saturation mail VS data base.  Think Direct results VS branding.

5. What is the devaluation of our ad based upon the strong competition in our market place or the value of owning space that is not as crowded and we can stand out.  Think about this, if there is someone in your market that just OWNS radio and spending 50K a month to do so, your $5,000 buy is worth about $1000 because you will be swallowed by the competition. 

6. The idea behind "ADvestigating"  your advertising is that you are able to make the most educated decisions you have ever made in advertising.  This is based upon facts, figures and accurate calculations that give you the kind of information that allow you do just that.  When you look at every aspect that affects an ad and wether or not it will be a valuable "spend" You can feel better about the buy.  When you can bounce it off every other ad you are looking at buying with a scoring system that tells you the value of the cost per actual impression and its value of that impression you sleep better at night.   Bottom line.....the most educated decisions you have ever made by Investigating every aspect that affects it will increase your bottom line.

When you make your next "buy", ask some of these questions and just dig a little deeper. You might be surprised what you find.  ADvestigate it and find out all you can before you get the checkbook out.

Troy Spring


Dealer World

Developer of ADvestigate. 


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