All You Need To Know To Be Familiar With Essential Car Parts

When taking a car for maintenance and repairs to service centres, car owners need to understand the essential car parts. After learning about the various parts of the vehicle, a car owner can discuss in-depth with the service centre technician about the various issues the car is suffering from.

Let us now discuss the car parts one by one in detail below:

1. The Batteries

  • Batteries in cars play the most important role, and they often malfunction.
  • The battery is the source of electricity that is provided to the engine and other accessories requiring electrical access
  • The use of battery starts when the keys are inserted and turned on and thus starting the engine
  • The energy change takes place between chemical energy to electrical
  • In most cars, batteries are seen under the hood
  • There are two cable clamps. One is the red one connected to the positive (+), and on the other hand, the black cable gets to the negative (-) point

2. The Axle

  • The second is one of the most important car parts, which is the axles. They are used when a vehicle needs to move, turn or apply brakes
  • These are attached to the wheel and act as a support system
  • The weight of the car gets transferred and becomes a vital part of the steering system
  • For riding a car smoothly, the split axle improves the traction and thus extends the lifespan of the tires
  • If the axles start making abrupt sounds, then this is the sign of changing them as it is worn out

3. The Radiator

  • Radiators are also located under the hood and next to the engine
  • This is one of the car parts which is responsible for cooling down the engine after getting heated up
  • The radiator must contain enough coolant so that when the temperature rises then it could be cooled down
  • To prevent overheating, the coolant should be flowing all throughout the vehicle.
  • When the hot air crosses the radiator, then it moves through the liquid and thus cools down

4. The Brake

  • These car parts are the combination of a pedal, switches, rotor, caliper and a pad
  • Often we have heard people saying that the brakes are not working or the brakes have failed. This means that there is a problem with the pad and the calliper
  • These car parts are located either in the front or at the back of vehicles.
  • When the driver puts brakes, and a screeching sound is heard then, that means the pad is worn out after so much usage
  • This also contains a fluid known as the brake fluid, which helps the car to slow down and slowly stop the car from moving further.


These above-mentioned car parts are a few of the most important aspects of a car. A vehicle is incomplete without them. Some more features may include the exhaust systems, the electrical connections etc. Ensuring that all the repairs related to cars should be done under proper supervision and experienced professionals.

Until the car owner himself is not sure of the methods of repairing his car, he shouldn’t consider handling any part of the car of his own. When it comes to car maintenance, it should be always be left to the hands of professionals. They are the ones who give importance to the safety factor of cars. No matter what emergency situations arise, the driver should carefully drive and understand all the functions of car parts properly before driving

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