Are You Following Through?

Check out this blog by Tori Hoffman as she talks all about how important your actions are to customer.

Do What You Say!

Sounds simple enough right? You’d think so, but unfortunately a lot people lack the ability to follow through on their promises. Car sales are just that – a sale. How are you going to make that sale if you don’t keep good on your word? Who will trust you? Who is going to make the conscious decision to purchase a car from someone who isn’t honest with them? If you aren’t keeping your word, then the potential customer is going to automatically wonder, “If they lie about that, what else are they lying about?” The important thing to remember is “don’t make promises you can’t keep.” This means you shouldn’t say your going to do something if you can’t actually do it. We all know how busy a dealership can be, but make the time, because in the long run it will help you establish yourself with a customer, and that’s what’s important.

Make Sure You Follow Through

Make the phone call you said you would make. Locate the specific vehicle the customer is interested in and provide incentives and current offerings so they are well informed. Keep in mind that this is a serious investment for most customers. If you value their time and investment as much as they do, they will be much more inclined to sign the papers for the sale.


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