Auto Credit Dealer Marketing No Fund No Fee Special Finance Leads


Auto Credit Express Acquires AutoNet Financial Web Sites

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., May 7, 2009 -- Auto Credit Express today announced the acquisition of, a subprime lead generation web site
formerly owned by Auto Net Financial Services, LLC of Traverse City,
Michigan. The web site, which has been serving the subprime auto
marketplace for 12 years, was a division of Kailua-Kona Investments, a
Mark Hergert Company. The transaction will also include four additional
domain names and other assets of the company.
"The acquisition of solidifies our position as the top automotive
subprime consumer brand in the United States," said Dave LaLonde, senior
vice president of Auto Credit Express. "Having worked alongside and had
an outstanding relationship with Mark Hergert, we are well aware of the
brand recognition that Auto Net Financial brings to our company. Mark
wanted to ensure that his hard work over the last 12 years was
integrated with the right company and he found that with Auto Credit
Express. This acquisition positions our company to emerge from the
recession as a stronger company with a larger footprint in the subprime

AutoCredit Dealer Marketing Home of (ACDM) headquartered in Traverse City Michigan & Kona Hawaii, is the automobile industry's top rated Special Finance Lead Generation
Company (ACDM) specialized in obtaining high quality special finance
customers from our family of brands that include hundreds of the most
recognized Internet address and vanity phone numbers in the industry

(ACDM) is the innovator of special finance lead generation for automobile dealers
nationwide. Introducing The "TurnDown-TurnAround" Lead Exchange Program
were Auto Dealers Can Exchange old turn downed applications for fresh
leads in there market The TurnDown-Turn Around Program is now Available
in all 50 states!have concluded my research and the bottom line is that
dead leads are still possible car buyers and here is why..
Many dealerships do not have the time or the manpower to follow up on every
internet lead that they purchase... when they first arrive in your CRM
most finance managers or BDC staff will call e-mail or send out letters
trying to get the customer to the dealership but 90% of the leads become
stale real fast because of many different factors including poor phone
skills or not calling within 2 hours after receiving leads.
So after multiple attempts either the dealer gives up or the customer has bought
or they have lost interest in the whole car buying attempt and the lead
just collects dust in the dealers CRM.
my thinking is to re-contact and re-work the application from a neutral standpoint not a car dealer
or sales person approach but as a lender approach and consult each
client and find out if they have bought or if they are still in the
market basically find some common ground and get the clients trust.
We then after establishing that they still want to purchase we can update
the credit information and see if anything has changed from the last
time they have applied (example: more cash down more monthly income and
so on). We all know that if the clients credit is still below the
lenders guidlines most options could be limited however if we can get
new updated information we can now go back to work with the application
and send it back through our dealer network. With AutoCredit Dealer
Marketing's TurnDown TurnAround Program we trade dealers for there old
leads (within 12 months) for fresh value leads that have been verified
for accuracy and that they have money down and are ready to buy today!
get signed up today 500 dead leads for 100 fresh verified ready to buy
clients for only 3500.00 per mth


( June 1.2010 --
Mark Hergert, President of AutoNet Financial has recently formed a new service that is being referred to as NAIL. Too often Mr. Hergert and many other Auto Dealers or those in the
business have encountered leads that are no good. There are fly-by-night
lead generation companies that are causing an epidemic of invalid leads
which are leading to major problems such as fraud, loss of money, loss
of time, and worst of all a loss of trust.

This new service knows as NAIL stands for the National Association of Internet Lead Providers. NAIL is a new concept in the lead generation business that will put an end to these fly-by-night lead generation companies who try to double and triple sell leads to legitimate buyers.
Once NAIL is up and running, Internet lead
providers can purchase the seal of validation which will only be issued
after a background check has been completed on their company and the
leads that they sell to Automobile Dealers and third party lead generation companies.
The focus of NAIL is to help rid Auto Dealers of lead generation companies
that are looking to provide them with bogus leads. Great lead generation
companies are getting a bad name due to these fly-by-night providers
that are projecting such negativity.

(1888PressRelease) April 20, 2008 - Auto Net Financial Services has undergone a few changes since President and CEO Mark Hergert has returned. After taking a two year hiatus, Mark Hergert returned in full capacity only to find his company was very different from when he left. He was not
happy with the direction that Auto Net Financial Services was heading.
Instead of allowing his company to suffer and continue on along the path
that is was already going he chose to terminate all top level

For those who are not familiar with the services that Auto Net Financial Services provides, they are a financial company that helps those with less than great credit to qualify for a new vehicle. Auto Net financial believes that just because someone has bad
credit doesn't mean that they have to suffer; everyone should be able to
get the financing they need.

"Auto Net Financial specializes in bad credit auto loans and special finance options for automotive consumers with less than perfect credit" stated President and CEO Mark Hergert when asked what customers his company provides service to.

All too often, people who have bad credit for one reason or another find
that they cannot qualify for the essentials in life such as a home or a
vehicle, even if they are in a position to make the required payments.
At this point they really have no one to turn to for help.

In regards to getting a vehicle, this is where Auto Net Financial can help.
They have a nationwide network of car dealers who offer bad credit car
loan programs. These programs are designed specifically for those with credit problems, no credit, or even unique sub-prime auto loan requirements.

"Auto Net Financial plans to start with fresh ideas, this is going to be made possible with
devotion to my new No Sale, No Fee lead generation program" stated Mark
Hergert when asked how he plans to get his company turned around in the
right direction now that he is back.

Those who suffer from credit issues are no longer need to feel as if they are helpless; they can
turn to Auto Net Financial for all of their bad credit auto loan needs,
especially now with President and CEO Mark Hergert heading the company once again.

PR Log (Press Release)Apr 24, 2008 – AutoNet Financial was the first company who offers auto loans to consumers to come up with the "No Sale No Fee" promise that was
especially designed for Car Dealers. AutoNet Financial is an auto loan
company who offers a variety of loans and specialized in loans designed
specifically for those with bad credit or other circumstances that
traditionally keep consumers from qualifying for a loan.

AutoNet Financial was founded eleven years ago, and for over a decade has been
quite successful at providing a great service for those who might not
otherwise qualify for the loan they need in order to get a vehicle. This
is a highly trusted company that many turn to for financial help.

In recent months another company who call themselves Auto Net Trade has emerged who is trying to make themselves out to be a mirror image of
AutoNet Financial. They have even duplicated the "No Sale No Fee" slogan
in an attempt to fool consumers and Car Dealers into using their site.
The truth of the matter is that this company has no affiliation with
AutoNet Financial whatsoever. They are not even based in the United
States, but instead in Sweden
Car Dealers and consumers are being directed to this site by search
engines due to the almost identical content; they think they are doing
business with AutoNet Financial when in actuality they are not. The
truth is that Auto Net Trade has almost copied all of their content from
the original providers of AutoNet Financial in an attempt to lure away
unsuspecting customers who think they are dealing with financial loan
providers who have been in business for the past eleven years.

Consumers and Car Dealers need to beware not to fall into this trap. AutoNet Financial is not affiliated with Auto Net Trade. Consumers and Car
Dealers should not be fooled; they should protect their business and
interests by making sure that they are not confused with a business that
has only been active for four months and one that has been successful
for over a decade.

Auto Net Financial Turns Down Offer to Sell Company to Ad Agency

AutoNet Financial was born American and it will remain American,” said Mark Hergert CEO.AutoNet Financial is the auto financial site that has a heart for people that have bad credit but need a car. They are experts at pre-arranging your financing
at a dealership so everything is ready and set to go when you walk
through the door. That can arrange special finance options for those
with low credit scores and they work hard for you. They get loans for
their clients at surprisingly low rates. They want to make your
experience an easy going and positive no matter what your credit
history and score. The representatives do a lot more than gather your
information and pass it on to the dealers and lenders. They build a
customer profile for you and work directly with the lender and dealer
to get the best deal for you. When AutoNet Financial is on your side
the problems of unfriendly responses from car dealers doesn’t
materialize. They make sure you are a larger variety of car makes and
models. They help you re-establish your credit bringing your credit
score up. Buying a car with their help is an important step in
improving your credit score. When lenders check with credit bureaus
they pay particular attention to car and home loans. The
representatives strive to make your experience free of hassle and to
make sure that both parties benefit from their services. It isn’t any
wonder that the testimonials about AutoNet Financial give the company
such great kudos. CEO Mark Hergert states “it has the best twelve years
of my life working with the automobile dealers nationwide supplying
special finance leads from our own network of sites and had thought long
and hard about the possibility of selling his company for and offer of
more than 13 million dollars”“After thinking about it for about three
months and after several meetings with the offshore company he decided
that AutoNet Financial was born American and it will remain American,”
said Mark Hergert CEO.It is
an excellent advantage to those needing a car loan that has bad credit
or no credit that Mr. Hergert didn’t sell his company. He cares about
people that have credit problems and need a car. He is a guy that can
walk in their shoes and more than a mile. He will still be at the helm
of this most helpful company, which means that those in need of real
help can breathe easy. He can also be appreciated for his patriotic
stance concerning his company.

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