You are who you decide to be at any given moment. It does not take money, a degree, a certain age, a certain appearance, tons of experience, knowing the right people, past success or any other qualifying factor that you may be currently using as a subconscious roadblock to your desired success. Your belief system creates your results both past and present. If your current belief system is not what it should be to support your success, you must fake it, till you make it.
If you currently don’t appear to be on the path that will create the level of success in the form you desire, you must begin to identify the mental programming that is limiting your success before you can change your resulting limiting actions.
You must pay close attention to your inner dialogue when you write goals or have thoughts about anything you desire. When thinking of your goals, if you repeatedly think of the specific reasons of how and why your goal may be hard to obtain, you are creating the “When-Then Syndrome.” Your subconscious identifies your current programming that tells you that for X to occur you must first have Y. If that is the case, your current mental programming is limited and will not allow you to break through your current barriers to further success.
Write down the first twenty mental images or messages you heard or were taught about money. When closely examined, most of the images and messages remembered will be limited, negative, and fear based. Those negative messages and images have taken a life of their own and have been accepted in your subconscious as absolute truths. To increase money, you must identify your current limiting messages and rewrite the messages to create accepted new truths.
Every person you come into contact with tries to define you based upon his/her own thoughts and beliefs. Your workplace is full of people with their own limiting mental programming that want to define you in a way that makes them feel better about themselves. People will create images such as “you are just lucky” or “the favorite of the boss” or “a weak sales person”. So often you act in your work environment in a role based upon the images and messages accepted by your subconscious. Unfortunately, your subconscious accepts all images and messages without filtering. However, you can overwhelm the negative messages with your own positive messages. Your conscious mind will choose and react to the strongest messages being given to it. Don’t allow others to create your destiny based upon their own limited beliefs.
Your subconscious can act as an automatic responder in a positive form just as it can negatively. You must bombard your mind with positive and repetitive images for your conscious mind to react with positive messages. Read and listen to the material that will support you in creating the images you desire, while reducing and eliminating the negative influences you encounter from relatives, co-workers, and the news. You create your own reality. It’s your responsibility to choose the right sources of information to saturate your brain.
To start manifesting your desires, you must become clear on your goals. Write what you want in present tense using vivid details of your emotions and thoughts at the time of obtaining those goals. The repetitive conditioning of your subconscious with the imagery you have created will begin to grow just as your muscles grow by the repetitive action of lifting weights. Soon your positive imagery will be so strong that your belief system will accept this as reality before it has ever transpired as reality. There will be no difference between your chosen reality and your current state. Your belief system will accept each step and each day as a part of your path to success. Dare today to choose what you desire and the actions that support those desires.
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For those who don't know about Earl Nightingale, he was the worlds first motivational speaker to record a voice recording and publish it on a record. He was the first to earn a gold record for a voice recording. All his stuff is awesome, and worth listening to. Today, the late Mr, Nightingale's company has morphed into Nightingale-Conant...Perhaps some of us have heard of this. For years he was syndicated on the radio and T.V. with his program Our Changing World
All great stuff, check it out...Mark, thanks for dragging this out of my thoughts.
Great Erick! Sometimes it is very hard to separate yourself from certain people and environments but it is necessary. It's always amazing as you go up the ladder how many so-called friends you lose. We all need to expand our circle of people and surround ourselves with better influencers. A good friend use to quote his football coach by saying "You can't soar with the eagles in the morning if you hang with the buzzards at night."
Thanks Marsh, you are a real life example of someone who feeds their mind and soul what will support them. Keep it up.
Thanks Mr. Natural, Earl Nightingale is still great to listen to and read. "Try The Great Salesman"
Thanks Bobby!
Indeed...It's not what we think we are... It's what we think.........(pause)...............We are! It's the law of attraction. Some of the greatest thinkers and most successful people on the planet were that way because of what they thought about all day long. This isn't wild thinking, but sound lifestyle. People who think they are a loser will become a loser if they already are not. Those who believe they are a winner will become so if they truly believe.
One of the best motivational presentations of all time was done by Earl Nightingale entitled The Strangest Secret was recorded in the Fifties and contains the message we are talking about. Here it is, and if you haven't ever heard it, you don't want to miss it.
Nice words mark, I like your style.
Great post, I like it. So true, I can remember growing up in a negative invironment and not moving forward at all with my goals, until I seperated myself and started having positive images of what I wanted to be around. TOOLS TOOLS
Thanks Greg. I truly believe we all have some limiting beliefs that restrict us from manifesting more of what we truly want. Everyone is a work in progress and the more we understand ourselves and the more we understand the power of the subconscious and how to use it as a tool for success, the better off we are.
Wow, great post Mark. It's see-do-get!
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