Check You Personal Battery - How's Your Positive Energy Level?

Think of your attitude as a giant battery. When your battery is fully charged you are happy and productive. When your battery is low you are grumpy and unproductive.


Negative inputs and events drain your battery. Some of these include:

  • Arguments – have you ever noticed how tired you are after a big argument? All that negative energy has drained your battery.
  • Negative people – being around negative people will drain your battery as the suck the positive energy out of you.
  • Watching TV – the news is all negative and most TV shows are filled with violence and other negative energy. You can’t help but lose positive energy if you immerse yourself in all this negativity.


In the same way, positive inputs and events can recharge your battery. And the really good news is that, unlike a battery, the more positive energy you can absorb; the better your attitude. There is no limit. Here are a few things you can do to build your positive energy:

  • Study & Learn – read books and articles that build your knowledge about your industry and about motivation & attitude. Listen to audio books or watch videos on these subjects. This is a great replacement for all that negative TV.
  • Exercise – exercise burns off negative energy and recharges your battery. It provides you with a method to work out your frustrations in a positive way.
  • Positive people – Hang around people who have a positive attitude and outlook on life. Attitudes are contagious – make sure you have as much contact as possible with people whose attitude you want to catch.
  • Love what you do – if you hate your job, it is going to be very difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Conversely, if you love what you do, your battery will be recharged regularly and your attitude will stay positive.


Improving your attitude is primarily a job of finding all the things that drain your energy, eliminating them and replacing them with things that recharge your battery.  And the funny thing is the more negative things you eliminate; the easier it becomes to find positive replacements. 

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