Have you ever experienced a presentation of a product or service…that was absolutely the best you have ever seen??

What made that presentation so good??

Think about it…

What was the one thing that made you say to yourself…WOW…I am absolutely going to make this purchase…?

What sold you??

It was the confidence and conviction…of that salesperson…that sold you the product or service…

And confidence ONLY comes from one thing…knowledge…

It comes from the overall knowledge of the product or service…

It comes from knowing…all of the objections that might be raised by the consumer…and then knowing how to overcome those objections…

It comes from knowing what the competition has to offer…what the competitions pluses and minuses are…and how to present your product as a better solution…

It comes from the knowledge of asking the consumer the correct questions…so that the salesperson knows how to build a presentation around what the consumer’s wants and needs are…

It comes from knowing… that the consumer might be a bit skeptical… about what the salesperson is about to say…and then having the confidence to make the consumer feel at ease during the entire process…

It comes from knowing how to listen to the consumer…finding out the key concerns of the consumer…and then making the consumer feel… that they have made the correct decision in purchasing the product or service..

This …is what makes a great presentation…CONFIDENCE!

As a salesperson…if you can present your product or service…with confidence and conviction…you are likely to make the sale…

As a salesperson…you must practice, drill and rehearse…every single day…

You must do research on the competition’s products or services…so you know what they offer…and at what price point they offer it…

You must dedicate yourself to having a positive attitude…and presenting your product or service… with an enthusiastic…fun…and interactive tone…

The ONLY way you can present with confidence…is to have the knowledge behind it…

Think about it…

The more you know about any subject…the more confident you are in providing an answer about it…

Take an example as simple as this…

If you were asked…who was the first President of the United States…I’m sure it would take a split second to say…George Washington…

Now…if you were asked to name the first 10 Presidents of the United States…in order…could you answer it as quickly??

You may know the answer…but you will stumble…and then think…and then possibly answer as though you were posing a question…instead of just naming them one after another…

The more you stumble…and bumble…and stutter through an answer to a question…the LESS believable you are…

On the other hand,…if you named the first 10 Presidents…quickly…and in order… without hesitation…how impressed would someone be… that you were able to answer it so quickly??

Our job as salespeople…is to be able to answer all of the consumer’s questions…and overcome all of the consumer’s objections…

The ONLY way you can be confident about your presentation…is taking the time to gain all of the knowledge…you will need…to make sure your presentation is the best…

You can see a video version of this blog at;


About the Author: I have been in the automotive industry for 30 years. From a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of an automotive environment. You can follow me on my website, www.JimKristoff.com, on twitter @jimkristoff or on youtube, www.youtube.com/user/jimkristoff

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Comment by Jim Kristoff on July 6, 2011 at 3:25pm

Thanks Bobby!

I appreciate the feedback!

Comment by Jim Kristoff on July 6, 2011 at 1:59pm
Thanks for your comments Marsh!
Comment by Marsh Buice on July 6, 2011 at 1:49pm
Jim, awesome post brother. Enthusiasm breeds confidence, confidence leads to more sales! Lick it, stamp it, and mail it-great job sir! (typo on awesome)

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