In our video series What’s the Story with Ali Reda?, we’ve been learning all about how Ali ended up here with us, how his business has evolved, and some of the methods he has used for his success. 

In this week’s video, Ali and I will touch on how he advertises, and how we connect with people everywhere we go. Remember friends, it’s all about relationships. 

I invite you to watch now to learn more.

No matter where you go in your local area, really be there! Talk to everyone, but don’t just meet people - connect with them. Share the joy of their success sincerely.

There are so many community-driven businesses to start connecting with. 

Here are a few of our suggestions to begin…

  • Restaurants
  • Local Gyms
  • Recreation Centers
  • Charity Events
  • Booster Clubs
  • Kiwanis Club
  • Rotary Clubs
  • Chambers of Commerce

If you’re advertising there, show up and help out. Your presence and involvement make you real. It creates friendship, trust, and it allows people to see the humanity in you!

Are you making the most of your time and connections? Be sure and connect with us - everywhere you can. Click the links below to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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