Great content comes in several forms. However, many people think of content as just the written word, such as blogs and articles. For those who aren’t writers, or don’t have the time to write, this can seem like a daunting task.

It’s tough coming up with ideas and, even when you do, explaining your idea in writing, rather than speaking about it in person, can be difficult.


Well, I have great news for those of you that feel that way. One of the most popular forms of content today is also the easiest to produce. It can also be the best way to get your message to your audience in your own words –and that is video.


Video content plays well across all publishing points. Your website, YouTube and other social media channels see increased engagement and studies show that these days audiences prefer video content. As a result, publishing platforms give video content increased reach.


Here are a few pointers that can help with developing video blogs:


  1. Appearance – Many would tell you to follow the adage, “Dress for Success.” In this case, however, it’s more important to be yourself. To be at your best, you should feel comfortable when presenting. If you normally wear suits, that’s fine, but if you’re a t-shirt and blue jeans person, there’s nothing wrong with that. Dress in whatever way you usually present yourself to your customers.


  1. Setting – One of the most important things to consider, but which tends to get overlooked the most, is the background. Everything in the video tells a story about you including the background. Ensure that the background is visually appealing but that it does not have so much going on that it is distracting. For example, a blank white wall behind the speaker versus a visually pleasant background such as an outside setting does make a difference in the impression the video makes on your audience. Be sure to do a test and see how things look. If you are at your desk is it clean or are there piles of paper lying around? Or, does that plant in the background look likes it’s growing out of your head?


  1. Lighting – Be sure to have appropriate lighting while filming. This doesn’t mean you have to invest in studio lights, but simply that you’re well lit. If you have light coming from behind you, it is likely that that you will appear dark, or simply a silhouette to your audience. Light coming straight from the front could make you appear washed out. Side lighting (depending on the setting) is usually best. Of course, nothing beats nature. On a nice day with a good background, natural lighting can really make you shine on camera.


  1. Sound – Last, but not least, ensure that the sound quality is good on the video. This can be achieved with an inexpensive lapel microphone that plugs into your smartphone (if you’re filming using one), a desktop microphone, or, if you have the budget, more expensive wireless lapel microphones. There are many options to choose from, regardless of what equipment you choose to film with. Simply ensure that your audience can hear you clearly and that you are not muffled, do not sound distant or have an echo.


Don’t let content scare you. There are many ways to produce educational, thought leadership content both written and with video. Of course, something else to consider is utilizing a mixture of both. This is the best way to increase the chance of your content being devoured by your audience. Whichever medium you choose, content can be the simplest, most effective and least expensive way to get you and your company in front of your audience on a regular basis.

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