
From SCAB to SCAR:

A scab is a healing wound.



  1. S- Simple: It is human nature to take the most basic things that are proven to work and to then, instantly start questioning them. As generations persist and grow If we really focus on just doing the right thing, without hesitation or question, most times we find we get a lot further faster.
  2. C- Caring: We have all heard that if we help everyone else get what they want most times we will get what we want. Easier said than done, but when we use this type of thinking we can become amazed at how much more effective our relationships become with all of our customers whether they be in our personal lives or our business lives. Remember, everyone is a customer whether it be, our spouse, child, boss or someone paying for our product/ service. Just like our parents always taught us; we have to use our two ears and one mouth accordingly. Do much more listening. Actually listen with the intent of caring. Empathy should never be forgotten. No one will ever care until they know how much that WE care. Caring can overcome many of our minutely mistakes.
  3. A- Accountable/ accountability: We often point our fingers at others and forget to look in the mirror. When we point our finger at someone we still have 3 pointing back at us. We can all strive to hold ourselves accountable first and in doing so will hold each other more accountable. Honesty is the key here. Not “Beat you over the head you loser!” kind of honesty. The kind where we actually do care, and “We know we can do better and we need to figure it out together” kind of honesty. Remembering to communicate with care at all times.
  4. B- Belief: We have to, have to, have to, BELIEVE; in ourselves. Whether it comes from our Faith or somewhere else this can be the key that more times than not can overcome all. Practice focusing, on nothing but the positive, in every avenue. That means training our minds to ALWAYS have positive thoughts no matter what. To do this means we have to see the big picture. That if we focus on THE RIGHT THING and we do THE RIGHT THING, consistently, over a long period of time then the results will be there. We call it FAITH. Call it whatever we need to but know that our decisions can, either create a burden or, open up our pathways. Just remember that we may not see the opening of the pathway until we are out in the open.

From SCAB to SCAR (part 2):

A scar is the healed reminder of the wound that was once there and what we need to do so that we don’t get another like it.


  1. S- Simple.
  2. C- Caring.
  3. A- Accountability.
  4. R- From Belief to our ROUTINE.


  5. The difference between the scab and the scar is we take our belief in ourselves and turn into our plan of attack. We use honesty to, pinpoint the areas we need to improve upon and really focus on holding ourselves accountable. That way we are able to do the simple and effective things, we need to do, to really improve them. Then we hold ourselves accountable to actually turn our plan of attack into a ROUTINE. A routine that we do every day, every week, every month, every year, all the time. And we are who we choose to be. Now choose.

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Comment by Mike Elliott on December 17, 2014 at 8:30pm

This is a nice contribution, thanks.

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