There are a numerous amount of different sales processes available  and work well, I particularly like one entitiled "DELTA"  D- Develop prospective customers' interests so they will listen to your message. E- Engage customers' on a meaningful dialogue, L-Learn the prospects'  situation/problem /challenge. T-Tel your story after you clearly understand  that your product and services fit for their situation, problem or challenge A- Ask for a committment , when it's appropriate. Your first words matter the most, because  you have appoxmitate 30 to 60 seconds to make a favorable impression upon people, because your first words determine in the customers' mind if they  wish to continue engaging with you. There are five key principles  to developing a prospective customer interest 1-Research to find intersting things to open the dialogue 2-Use openings to create a safe enviornment 3-Bring "VALUE"  to the interaction prior to starting the sales conversation 4-Make connections that can actually help your customers' 5-Be crystal clear about what you need to know and go about finding that out. So how will you do that?  Making people want to listen is a function of how much you know, how well you present what you know, how creative you are in shaping what you say how much time you spend planning for a sales conversation,and how much genuine interest you convey witih your dialogue.There are many ways to bring value to the conversation but you need to make it a habit not an afterthought.One way is to find out what's important to them and then find something of inteerst on that subject and send it to them , with a  note  saying Hi Mr Jones  , I saw this article and I was thinking you may enjoy reading it since you are an expert  in this field  etc. So if you give people a thought or an idea that will help them, you can never lose.Being clear what you need to know-If you want to enhance and makes the sales interaction successful-and indeed be seen as unique from all other salspeople you need to prepared in two ways   The Content And The Condition.The content being al the things you are ready to ask about , and the condition being the psychological enviornment- the emotional mood you create that can succesfully differentiate  you from other salespeople and rapidly make the customer want to do buisness with you.So encourage people to listen because of what you have to say is both interesting and potentially valuable  .In the selling world, a balance of strong content and safe conditions creates the greatest likelihood for potential success  because as you know people buy with emotion and justify the purchase with reason.

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Comment by aaron kominsky on September 7, 2011 at 12:00pm

thank you Jim

Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 7, 2011 at 11:52am
Good blog Aaron!

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