Don’t Tarnished Your Brand with Bad Recruiting

DIY recruiting campaigns can be cumbersome and time consuming, but it can also put a strain on your company image.  There is a growing chasm between company and candidate satisfaction with recruiting campaigns.

According to two recent studies from the ADP Research Institute:

  • While 46% of recruiters think job-applicant tracking “works well,” only 16% of job-seekers feel the same.
  • 60% of job-seekers are frustrated over the lack of quality positions, while 52% of recruiters have a similar complaint about the quality of applicants.
  • 73% of job-seekers would prefer at least weekly communications throughout the application process and 58 % of applicants believe a reasonable time between an initial interview and job offer is one to two weeks.

In most markets, those seeking jobs are also those buying your goods and services.  So how can companies work smarter and not harder while navigating changes in the recruiting process resulting from shifting age demographics, new technology tools and the move toward a consumer-style job-seeker experience?

A resourceful company should use a recruiting campaign to enhance their brand and expand their customer experience, while sharing their favorable company culture with their candidate/consumers.  Smart companies can also enhance their talent pool for future opportunities and deploy metrics to ensure they are creating positive candidate/consumer experiences.

My next blog will feature the details for strengthening your brand image while recruiting talent in “The Recruiting Campaign-Brand Image Correlation”.

About the Author

Stephanie Young is the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for The Manus Group, where she is an active blogger, social media contributor and spokesperson for one of the nation’s leading automotive recruiting and training firms. Stephanie is also the current Ms. Florida Forestry Queen, promoting her platform encouraging young woman to pursue their interests in STEM field careers.

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