Have you ever looked at your Facebook page and wondered how many of your Likes were just worthless? With fake accounts and other padding running rampant, can you really be sure of how many people you’re really reaching? It’s hard to truly measure the impact of your automotive Facebook marketing when you’re reaching a bunch of fake accounts. Well, there’s good news on that front: Facebook is stepping up their efforts to block users who violate their terms of conduct, especially when it comes to Likes. Zuck and the gang want to focus on real users liking real brands.

Here’s what Facebook had to say about the move:

“A Like that doesn’t come from someone truly interested in connecting with a Page benefits no one. Real identity, for both users and brands on Facebook, is important to not only Facebook’s mission of helping the world share, but also the need for people and customers to authentically connect to the Pages they care about.

When a Page and fan connect on Facebook, we want to ensure that connection involves a real person interested in hearing from a specific Page and engaging with that brand’s content. As such, we have recently increased our automated efforts to remove Likes on Pages that may have been gained by means that violate our Facebook Terms.”

This shouldn’t have too big an effect on any one account. Facebook estimates that only about one percent of Likes are currently in violation. In reality, this is a positive thing for most businesses. While you might experience a slight dip in total Likes, you can rest assured that the remaining Likes are genuine people, and isn’t that the real goal anyway?

Original article about fake Facebook Likes posted on Wikimotive's blog under the title Facebook Cutting Fake Likes

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Comment by Mathew Koenig on September 5, 2012 at 10:54am

Good post, I made sure to share it on my social networks. There are so many companies out there that sell social marketing to dealers on the premise of helping them 'get more likers'.  With my company I've been telling my clients that having 1,000 likes from non-local strangers doesn't help and this...well it's even more useless isn't it? Having 1,000 non existent likers won't sell you one more car. If dealers want to increase sales there is only one way to do it: Engage the consumer in ways that they actually like (pun totally intended). The online automotive needs to realize that Facebook is a great tool but our business is bigger than Facebook and none of these great tools will work if we aren't tracking reality. Keep up the great posts!

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