The article sited a study done last summer. Last summer, really? That’s almost a year ago and in Social Media that’s a lifetime. Do you know how many dealers were on Social Media back then? Maybe two. Today, many more dealers are warming up to the idea of Social Media (albeit kicking and screaming their way there) and now some are stuck. They put up a Facebook page and when the fans don’t come they say it doesn’t work.
Simply having a Facebook page doesn’t mean you’re doing it right. If you’re not engaging your audience then you might as well not be there. Facebook is one big community made up of thousands of smaller communities. Dealers can initiate a community with their Facebook page, foster enthusiasm AND generate leads. Just because a certain dealer didn’t generate leads or sell cars doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
All studies have a spin. This “evidence” that’s sighted in the article saying buyers aren’t influenced by Social Media doesn’t hold water. For instance, it is a fact that 96% of consumers under 30 are on a Social Network. The article states that a “dismally small” amount of car shoppers linked to dealership websites. They obviously don’t understand Social Media. Facebook users like to stay on Facebook. It’s Social, conversations happen all day long. Dealerships need to be part of those conversations, interact, and be where their customers are. Sure it’s nice if they go to your website but many conversations take place on Social Media before a user will visit your website. The trick is to convert those conversations into leads.
The dealership contributors to the article, Kevin Frye and A.J. Maida were spot-on about content. Attracting, enticing and engaging potential buyers takes great content strategy. You will grow your fan base and generate leads if your posts are relevant to your audience. It takes a winning strategy that’s designed around your store and your specific customer.
Here’s what I love about Social Media: The article started a fantastic discussion on Facebook like crazy yesterday. We had a couple dealerships talking about the very positive impact Social Media has had on them and their business. (Could that mean Fun?) One said, “My dealer gives me the ability to let the dealership shine. We posts pics and videos of our customers, interesting articles, even pics of our dogs and our taste in music. You have to personalize Facebook. We try hard to let the dealership’s personality shine through.”
Another GM wrote, “We build trusted relationships. You can expose the character and personality of your dealership as a company to trust through your posts, pictures and links.”
Finally, one dealership wrote, “Shhh, can you guys keep it down? It’s better when the other dealers don’t get it!”
There’s a lot of buzz in dealerships right now about Social Media. I’m sure that’s why Automotive News published the article (and why I’m writing about it). As a former executive manager of a dealership, I used to look to Automotive News for insightful information to help me navigate my way through daily operations. There are just as many studies showing the positive impact Social Media has on car buyers. I only wish Automotive News would talk about those once in a while.
I’d love to hear your opinions about automotive Social Media. Does your dealership use it to generate leads?
Kathi Kruse
Kruse Control Inc. Social Media Coaching & Training
"If you’re not engaging your audience then you might as well not be there. Facebook is one big community made up of thousands of smaller communities."
Kathi, This is so spot on that's why in my presentation at DD10 I called Facebook " is a giant cocktail party. It's I know a guy (no offense to the ladies) who knows a guy who knows a guy"
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