From the NCM Institute Blog: Develop Your Dealership Game Plan Before You Hit the Field

The original article I had scheduled for today is titled, Tactics for Improving Employee Productivity. But as I was putting the finishing touches on the content, I said to myself, “Self, you’ve skipped an important step! You shouldn’t be presenting tactics until you’re sure that your readers understand the differences between strategies and tactics.”

It’s my understanding that “strategy” is derived from the ancient Greek word, “strategos,” which meant “general,” and that, similarly, “tactic” was derived from the word “taktikos,” which referred to “arranging the forces in battle.” Originally, strategy was the “art of the general”, or more specifically, “the art of preparing the troops for battle.” Very simply stated, “strategy” was the art and science of “what,” while “tactic” referred to the art and science of “how.”

In the retail automotive business, we’re very big on tactics.  That’s where the action is—the blocking and tackling. But we’re not so great at creating and implementing the strategies, which happen away from the action; this is our pre-game planning! All good stores have an array of effective tactics (the “how”), but all too often the strategy (the “what”) is missing. For many dealership managers, it would seem that hitting the field with the basics (the tactics) constitutes their entire approach to doing business.

At the NCM , we focus on training both strategic development (the what) and tactical deployment (the how). As an example, one of the strategies that we accentuate is to Clearly Define and Communicate Your Expectations! Some  tactics all dealership managers should understand is as follows :

  • Develop and implement Written Job Objectives (or Job Descriptions).

  • Support the performance expectations with a “Did It Today (DIT)” Sheet process.

  • Conduct regularly scheduled One-on-One Meetings with all subordinate employees.

  • Develop and implement Results-Oriented Compensation Plans that reinforce the performance expectations.

  • Practice sound Walk-Around Management (as described in The One Minute Manager) to consistently support your expectations.

As Peter Drucker says: “Strategy is doing the right things, tactics is doing things right!” Both need to happen simultaneously. The successful completion of our strategic plans depends on the consistent and flawless execution of those tactics that are relevant to these strategies.

What tactics do you currently deploy in your dealership? Are there areas where you could see some improvement with a change in strategy?  

 For more information email or call Brandiss, Kara, or Cassie at 866.756.2620.

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Comment by Bill Gasson on October 20, 2012 at 7:01am

Very good reminder

Comment by David Long on October 14, 2012 at 9:29pm

Thank you Garry! 

Comment by Pat Kirley on October 12, 2012 at 1:07pm
Another great article, thank you Garry

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