Hopefully many dealers have had their strategic planning meetings with their staff and set goals for next year. Identified their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats...established the tactics they will use to accomplish their goals. Mind maps are helpful tools you might consider...many free or inexpensive mind mapping tools are available online or as apps for ipads and such. I use ithoughts on the ipad. A good friend prefers the web based http://mindmeister.com. Both allow collaboration and easy documentation of abstract ideas and thoughts. Whatever you do WRITE IT DOWN and give it a due date. Ever hear "a goal without a deadline is a dream?"
A great tool I'm please to share with everyone is DealersEdge season ticket. For around $800 per year, 10 people on your team get unlimited access to a bevy of useful webinars live and recorded. One webinar that I love is Steve Nickelson's Six-Step Process for Conducting a Strategic Planning Session in You.... Brian Pasch, Mike Nicholes, Grant Cardone, Jerry Thibeau are among the contributors.
There management newsletters are also chock-full of great info!
I'm certain there are other great tools out there, make training a part of your plan for a prosperous 2012.
Disclosure: None of the products or services mentioned or suggested here asked for any mention and I was given no compensation for the mention. Opinions are strictly my own.
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