How Modern Car Salespeople Are Different From Auto Salespeople of the Past

If you have been in this business a while, you are probably amazed at the changes that have taken place in the auto sales process, especially when it comes to how salespeople view the Customer today.  Over the past 20 years there’s been a concerted effort from the manufacturers and car sales training organizations like ours to eliminate the negative practices that have plagued our reputation with the public.  Car salespeople have long been considered hustlers and untrustworthy manipulators with one goal in mind: sell a car today, no matter what it takes!

A new customer-focused mindset is being forged through Dealers investing in Automotive Sales and Management training.  The Internet now gives buyers access to information that was once privy only to those in the business, so today’s Customers know how things work our line of work.  The high-pressure tactics that created defensive customers in the past are being replaced with a more positive selling approach that actually works. Those who continue to use them will find it harder and harder to gain sales positions in reputable dealerships as this trend continues. Today’s customers demand to be treated fairly and with respect or they will take their business elsewhere. 

The modern car Salesperson doesn't rely on the ‘gift of gab’ or being slick.  Instead, he or she is earning the business of today’s informed buyers by practicing proven structured sales processes that focus on the Customer.  Through the use of effective and inspiring automotive sales training they are being empowered with knowledge to help their Customers make an informed decision about the vehicle purchase process.

The future is bright for those who take ownership of their success.  By setting high goals and pursuing them through effective training and quality sales practices, their business will thrive and their customers will return to them every time they or someone they know needs to buy their next vehicle.

Do you want to be successful in auto sales? Are you tired of using the same old practices to sell cars that just don't seem to be working? Try something new, a system that actually works by signing up for a David Lewis and Associates auto sales training program. 

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Comment by steven chessin on January 25, 2016 at 4:59pm

Isn't it amazing that the old hard-sell hammering customers into submission ever became THE way of selling cars. I can remember when they "mis-placed the keys to the trade" and when the "The Box" had one closer after another like a police interrogation. One manager taught - "You must have  .... SINCERITY. And once  you learn how to fake that you will be able to sell cars."

Customers know their credit score - the rate they deserve  - they know if you are 4-squaring them to confuse them because they searched it on Youtube - and they read your Yelp reviews.The old-way is an embarrassment to all the ethical pros in the business today. It took easy availability of the truth to expose the liars.

Or ... forced them to amp-up their game. Liars are not gone, just more "sincere".    

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