How to contact more automotive customers using "Text" messages

Mobile phones are everywhere, be it a regular phone or a smart phone. It's almost like people have them attached to them. Based on this fact it's no surprise that your team should be collecting multiple numbers from customers and potential customers.

We have found in most dealerships that we work with that in most cases only one maybe two numbers at best are in your database or CRM. Now if you staff has asked correctly one of these numbers should be a cell phone. This information is important because most cell phone’s can accept text message.

We know that people respond to text messages faster than email or voice mail because we have seen the results. Customers love text messages, especially if they are fewer than 20. But if they are over 20 the response time may be even faster due to how few text messages they get. I get very few text messages myself so I pay attention to each one I get. All we want is customers to pay attention and respond, right?

If your dealership is not already collecting email addresses you should be, but mobile numbers with the ability to receive text is lethal as well.

Here are Mike Overy's thoughts:

texting how to use it resized 600

Price is not the issue anymore:

I’m not saying that text messages are the only way to contact customers or potential customers, but they should be part of your contact toolbox. Multiple numbers including a text enabled “Cell Phone” is a best practice that we recommend.

Mike Overy and the team at Proactive Dealer Solutions want to help you grow your dealership and teach you everything you need to know to make it happen.

We are a training company, but unlike other companies we are also a solutions company and the BDC is part of our solution.

We would love to schedule a free consultation and show you why we are so successful helping dealers all over the world grow their business and drive traffic for their sales and service department.

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Comment by Bob Carmack on August 4, 2011 at 10:17am
I read an article recently where Ford Motor Company recently verified the same thing from its customers. Texting is becoming the preferred method of contact.  The main concern with receiving text from customers that they confirmed- generally the dealership (whoever is receiving the text) has very small window of opportunity to respond, The survey indicated around 15 to 20 minutes on the high side or the customer moves on to someone else.  Great to have it but it can backfire if we don't respond quickly and we potentially lose a customer.

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