How to effectively utilize craigslist to advertise for open positions, AND why should I bother?

These simple questions and answers will help you see the light!

Q: How much traffic does craigslist get?
A: More than 50 billion page views per month

Q: How many people use craigslist?
A: More than 60 million each month in the US alone

Q: What languages does craigslist support?
A: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portugese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Q: How many classified ads does craigslist receive?
A: craigslist users post well over 80 million classified ads each month (including re-posts and renewals)

Q: How many job listings does craigslist receive?
A: More than 1 million new job listings each month

Q: What about craigslist discussion forums?
A: More than 200 million user postings in 100 topical forums

This is what I'm hearing from my dealer clients..."I have no desire to get buried in the CL abyss. In fact I've tried it already and was inundated with unqualified applicants! By the time I sorted them, the only ones worth pursuing were gone!" and to top it all off, 200 applicants later, I ended up hiring only one and he stayed for less than 30 days so NO THANKS!"

Well, if this happened to you HERE'S YOUR FIX!

It's quite simple. You've already gotten it half right. The other half will weed out hundreds of unqualified applicants and provide you with a nice clean group of much better quality candidates for any position in your dealership. 

Here are the steps you need to take to get the most out of CL:

Get your craig's list posting up and running, but add a very simple step the application process.

Buy ONE job posting from a major job board like Monster, or you can sign up with and post as many free postings you want. We will even sell you a high end job posting for under 400 bucks and write all your content and set everything up for you. This posting can now be used as a LANDING PAGE. Call me and I'll explain it in more detail if you like. 

Once you have a landing page, or a place for candidates to LAND you post your CL posting and place inside the posting a link that will drive them to the landing page with instructions if they want to officially apply for the job they MUST follow the link. 

Once they get to the link , simply add  some KNOCK OUT QUESTIONS (call me and I'll explain these more if you like and even give you some sample KO questions we use) This will FORCE the lower quality applicants out of the system because they will either have to lie, or stop answering the questions. If they don't complete the knock out questions you never have to look at their resume. This also eliminates those pesky blind applies!

We can create your landing pages for you free of charge and set everything up so you don't have to. You can simply sit back and enjoy the high quality applicants flowing into your dealership.

If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to call my office at 888-350-3310, or email me at You can also visit us at

Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Authored by Kevin Bradberry  (President/CEO) of TK Worldwide, Inc. any reproduction of this material must be requested in writing and approved in writing by an authorized representative of TK Worldwide, Inc.

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Comment by Kevin "Friend Me" Bradberry on June 13, 2014 at 8:39am

Comment by Sharon Hill 18 hours agoDelete Comment

I would imagine content that legitimizes the dealership and the job offer are more important on Craigslist than anywhere else, except perhaps BackPage. Both are so fraught with fraud that I'm betting job seekers are very very wary of what could be a scam job post. Or is that not the case?


Great question. The answer is that Yes, there is a lot of fraud on Craigslist as with any basically self monitored system. the users are also the hall monitors and abuse actually works both ways. For example, when legitimate companies post jobs, their competitors can flag them and have them removed. When job seekers apply for jobs they need to do their homework regarding the company. If at anytime during the course of the application, on boarding process the recruiting company attempts to charge them a fee of any kind it's fraud and that company should be reported, their postings flagged, and appropriate legal action should be taken. Most of the time that is not the case. Most people just go away ashamed or too embarrassed to admit they've been had. So, always google the company name or names listed on the ads BEFORE you apply and make sure to do your due diligence. 

Craigslist and backpage have a lot of traffic. It's the traffic your after when advertising for ANYTHING but a good filter is a must. Thanks!

Comment by Kevin "Friend Me" Bradberry on June 12, 2014 at 10:02pm

some of you have sent me messages regarding backpage. Here is your answer:

Craigslist vs Backpage for Marketing Your Services

Two places to market your services for free (or inexpensively) are Craigslist and Backpage. These classified ad sites are worth considering if you are just starting out and on a budget, but can still be effective for established businesses. Here is a quick comparison of the two services and the pros and cons.


Craigslist is the most popular classified ad site on the internet and whether people use it or not, most people who have been online for awhile know what it is. In most cities, you can post your ad for free, but some cities require a small fee to post.

  1. Craigslist has a much wider user base than any other online classified ad site. So you will be able to potentially reach more people this way.
  2. Craigslist has a good amount of international traffic as well as US traffic.



Backpage is a smaller site in terms of traffic, but some people say they get more business from it. It gets about 3 million users a day versus craigslist’s 64 million users per day.

  1. Backpage has a nicer design and cleaner interface.
  2. Backpage has partnered with several newspapers. There are options to have your ad appear on newspaper websites, which can lead to higher quality traffic.
  3. You will likely get less spam and scam replies on Backpage.
  4. Most of the user base is in the USA (4 out of 5 people currently), so Backpage may not be as effective in other countries.
Comment by Sharon Hill on June 12, 2014 at 2:24pm

I would imagine content that legitimizes the dealership and the job offer are more important on Craigslist than anywhere else, except perhaps BackPage. Both are so fraught with fraud that I'm betting job seekers are very very wary of what could be a scam job post. Or is that not the case?

Comment by Kevin "Friend Me" Bradberry on June 11, 2014 at 3:16pm

My Pleasure. Thank you!

Comment by DealerELITE on June 11, 2014 at 2:33pm

Thank you for sharing

Comment by DealerELITE on June 11, 2014 at 2:33pm

Thank you for Sharing

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