How to leave Messages that generate business for your dealership?
We have found that most dealerships get one phone number when speaking to customers. In addition to this fact they usually have only the home number. Due to this fact our BDC’s need to make a large volume of calls in order to speak to a small volume of customers.
What this means is we need to leave a large volume of messages for customers. Due to this fact we have also developed a number of tactics to improve response to messages left for customers. This motivational messaging is not only more effective; it is crucial to generate inbound calls for your store and more traffic and business as well.
Here is Mike Overy going over the process, enjoy:
Check out the video :
If you have questions, or would like to schedule a free consultation with the Proactive Dealer Solutions team, please call our office toll free at: 1 877 452 2753
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Make it a great day!!!!!!!!!
Ian Nethercott
Performance Consultant
Proactive dealer Solutions
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