How to Sell More Used Cars at Your Auto Dealership

An experienced car salesperson knows the value that a good used car can bring to their paycheck. 

With car owners spending more time on the road and keeping their cars longer, used vehicles that are traded in today normally have more miles on the odometer than they used to.  At the same time, most cars made in the last 20 years can remain in service longer and still retain their value.

Finding quality used cars to sell with confidence takes more work than it used to.  But for those who are willing to invest time and effort there is still a lot of opportunity to make money selling used cars.   Craigslist is a good place to find vehicles being sold by the owner.  Often they are doing so to make more than they would get on trade money so they can buy a new car.  Answering ads from people selling their cars on Craigslist or in the local paper can often be a source for getting quality used cars to sell.  If you negotiate with the customer you may be able to get their vehicle and sell them a new one at the same time.

Social media can also be a good resource as well for buying or selling used cars.  Let your Facebook friends know what you do for a living and make yourself available for any help you can give them when they need a car. Every now and then post pictures and information of any good used cars you have on your Facebook page.  This is a good way to attract buyers from your friends and friends of your friends who are looking for a vehicle.

Having a Verified History Report should be available on any used car you want to sell. That alone can make a huge difference in the interest you will get for potential buyers.  

So what do you think? Do you want to make more money each month? Then it is worth the time to learn more about the used cars on your lot, discover what makes them appealing to new customers, and get out there and pursue a bigger paycheck! 

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Comment by Tom Gregg on February 25, 2016 at 1:20pm

I couldn't agree with you more, David!  Buying cars direct from private sellers is one of the most underutilized sources that dealers are missing today.  I know many dealers successfully engaging with this and seeing about $1,000 higher per car average over auction vehicles and faster times to the front line.

The primary reason dealers don't, is the time and effort that goes into reaching out to and communicating with these sellers.  The averages of purchasing direct from private sellers are lower than what dealers are accustomed to with regard to closing percentages of selling cars.  However, the dealers, like Del Grande Dealer Group, Honda World Louisville (formerly Sam Swope) and Morrie's Auto Group that are actively buying from private sellers have a huge competitive advantage over their surrounding dealers!

Comment by DealerELITE on February 16, 2016 at 10:06pm

David thank you for sharing

Comment by Randy Kobat on February 15, 2016 at 9:05am

Or you could get to know the new offering from vAuto called Stockwave!

See it at NADA in Las Vegas.  A sneek preview here

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