Comment by Jim Boldebook on October 4, 2012 at 2:33pm
Chris, good idea. I shared this idea some years ago with a young salesperson up in Grand Rapids, MI who was just getting started. At the time 'rolodexs' were still in use no computers. I told him to put red tabs on his favorite customers in the rolodex and when he wasn't busy, flip thru the rolodex and methodically call his 'favorties' the folks who liked him most. just say hi. offer them a free car wash if they stop by. ask them if they need anything. ask if they know anyone who needs a car. within 3 months he was the top selling salesperson in the dealership average 22 units a month and making damn good money. 10 years later, he told me he still fills his time calling 'favorites' and it is still paying off. friends tell friends. and everyone needs a 'friend in the business.'
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