I am a small dealer and I can’t afford to hire a consultant!

I am a small dealer and I can’t afford to hire a consultant!

Too many times I hear that statement from a dealer that sells less than 75 units a month. It puzzles me to think that a dealer that sell less than 75 units a month does not think that they need to hire a consultant to help them get better. It was just last month that I had the pleasure of helping a smaller GM dealer and after the first week he had to admit that he had already gotten his money’s worth even though I was there on a three week contract. His statement was that “I have always thought of myself as a little dealer in a small town and I did not believe that this dealership could do much more than it has since 1996”. Well he was wrong by a long shot. There real question the smaller volume dealer needs to ask themselves is this, even if that consultant only gets me to selling three more units a month and gets my grosses up by $500.00 per vehicle, how much more money will I make in the next 12 months? The answer is that the dealer will make a lot more money that he ever dreamed and his ROI will at least be double if not tripled. I do not care if a dealer contracts with me or another professional consultant, However they owe it to themselves to at least talk to a consultant. Sometimes it is just that outside person looking in to help you see the little changes that you need to make that will take you to the next level in bigger sales and greater profit.

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Comment by Andrea Lupo on April 4, 2013 at 2:49pm

I agree Ron we are in dealership where the objections happen and processes implemented. The ROI is fast and culture is changed. The smaller and mid size dealers actually benefit as much or more than bigger dealer groups.

The budget is far better served with on the job training. Everyone is on board from Dealer Principal to Porters!

Comment by Ron Rozier on March 24, 2013 at 8:30pm

Gene, good comment and 20 groups do bring some good ideas to the table. However most the time the dealer will benefit more from live, real time consulting. The reason is that what works for one dealer in one demographic may not always work for another and it takes a seasoned professional consultant to spend a coupe of weeks in a dealership to help figure what needs to done to correct the processes at the dealership. But in your defense, again I say that some great ideas do come from 20 groups. It does not matter to me if a struggling dealer hires me or someone else as long as they get healthy and keep people employed and making a good living. After all, we all are in the profession of helping others make a better living to provide for their families.

Comment by Gene Daughtry Dealers411.net on March 24, 2013 at 9:16am
I will say that another good investment is a 20 group. Might be less expensive than an on site consultant and by establishing a relationship with a group of peers and an experienced moderator a dealer has a wealth of knowledge always available and in depth examination of his numbers at least 3 times each year. There is an old saying that claims once you stop learning your dying. I agree, talk with someone ir join a group. It will be worth it.
Comment by Dan Watson on March 24, 2013 at 6:26am

I agree with this one!  The question should be:  How can I afford not too?

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