I'am in this for me the salesman said.

 I don't understand why other guys don't get it Doug said. What ever I do at work has to be a benefit for me or I don't waste my time. I know I have to help others to get where I want to go, that's a given. But I have a plan.  Don't get me wrong I help people all the time but I know good things will come back to me because of this. I expect the return some how but will never ask for any thing when I help someone.                                          I do more mailers, phone calls and have more prospecting tools than anyone here at our dealership. No one is going to do the work for me. I get up with the attitude someone is going to buy something from me today because if the I'am in it for me thinking. I do the work others don't because I want a lot and the car business will give it to me if I continue to do what others won't. I just do it on a bigger scale and expect bigger results.                                                Most sales reps aren't serious about sales and don't understand just how easy it can be be with the I'am in it for me thinking. I got good training from my start and that helped me a lot.                                    Doug is number 16 in the USA so far and it's his first year in the auto business . I never had a sales rep talk or think this way in my 25 years of training.  I think he might be on to something. What do you think?                                                                       

Views: 109


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Comment by Stephanie Young on September 16, 2011 at 11:05am
I love seeing graduates succeed too.  It makes all of it worth it to me.  Great job, Fran!!!!  Keep that ball rolling.
Comment by Fran Taylor on September 15, 2011 at 6:28pm
Thanks Stephanie. It's fun when you see people going up the ladder of success with training. I just came back from Browns Ford in NY. The old pro [ Pat ] had the best month in a long long time. Hope he sticks with it and in a short time he won't have to take fresh ups.  Thanks.
Comment by Stephanie Young on September 12, 2011 at 9:22am
Fran, congrats!!!  That is awesome!!!  Making a difference one person at a time.  I like it!!!
Comment by Fran Taylor on September 10, 2011 at 11:38am
Thanks Bobby. I spent 2 hours with this guy yesterday and was set back by his thinking. Doug told me he was shooting for 50 cars a month next year. It's been a long time since I saw a sales rep so focused and so positive he can do it. What a pleasant surprise. Doug said the prospecting tools do the work for you. All I have to do is sell. What a guy.
Comment by Fran Taylor on September 9, 2011 at 8:48pm
Thanks Tim. I'am sure your daughter will do fine with your training. Joe Girard got me into sales training. I have a picture he signed and sent me a while back. He asked me how I was selling 40 to 50 plus cars a month in only two and a half years. He suggested I get into sales training. Here it is 25 years this October. If I ever meet Joe he is getting a big hug. I truly am gatetful to all of those who took the time to help me. Best of luck to you and your daughter my friend.
Comment by Tim Pendergast on September 9, 2011 at 8:40pm


I do not know who this guy is, but we need more of him in our business!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not know how many times I have told salespeople to think and act this way and they look at me like I have 3 heads! Just like you and I strive to pass on our knowledge (good and bad) to new salespeople and most do not want to listen. I was training managers last week and had a salesperson who was 1 week in the biz, but was at Best Buy for 2 years tell me. Dude you are a dinosaur, I know more than you ever will! I laughed as he sold 4 cars for the month in a busy store. My daughter, in same store. sold 14 cars her first month on the floor. Her comments to me were, thanx dad. I got three deals this month from your follow up advice! My advice was, " don't call them text them, they will text you their objectives before they tell you on the phone"  

I bet this guy you talked about read Joe Girards book! He say's the same stuff, Imagine a million dollar reward for anyone who can beat this dinosaur's record! Won't be the guy from best buy...lol

Comment by Fran Taylor on September 9, 2011 at 7:05pm
Stephanie I told Doug about DE and don't know what he will do. What a wonderful day with the guys. I was told two of the new guys are averaging over 20 as well. Going to do another conference call with them tomorrow. It is like night and day being around positive people with the can do attitude. I just love when a plan comes together. Thanks everyone.
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 9, 2011 at 3:07pm

Good post Fran; "There are 3 kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what the hell just happened.." George Carlin

Comment by Stephanie Young on September 9, 2011 at 1:36pm
Thanks, Fran.  I think having been a business owner sheds most of us from the entitlement fantasy....smile.  Doug sounds like a rockstar!!!  Is he on DE?
Comment by Fran Taylor on September 9, 2011 at 9:58am
Stephanie Doug is about 37 years old. He had a construction company for many years and got a divorce and moved on. When I met him was his first week in the auto business. I spent a week and I personally did all the steps of a sale with him EVERY day. We went out prospecting every day. I showed him a daily plan and how to work smart.                                                                                                                                                               Doug told me the most important thing I showed him was his personal goals and to build a business within a business by prospecting. I told him if he wants to sell 50 cars a month do it my way and he is on fire. I hope this answered your question. Thanks.

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