Here is what my big brother posted today on his wall, how can anybody ever give up when there's so much to live for?
To all my family and friends. Yesterday, as part of a routine physical, I had blood drawn for all the usual test and afterward left the Bolling AFB clinic. While leaving the base, my doctor called me and asked me to came back to her office - there was an issue with my blood test. She later told me that three lines were in critical low and she was trying to get me in to see a specialist at Walter Reed Bethesda. The specialist asked that I go straight to his office at Walter Reed and that they would be waiting for me. Once I got there, I was taken to his office and after a 30 min interview over what I have been doing the last 6 months, and an exam, he told me my blood counts were jacked up pretty bad and he wanted to do a bone marrow biopsy. so I pulled out my phone calendar and said sure what date are we looking at (the military medical system normally does not do anything fast). He said now in the room next door. So we went into the room next door with three more doctors and I'm like crap - this is serious... So I ask him hey, how serious is this? he says very serious. It took three times to get what they needed and afterward he said were going to have to admit me - that I was in danger of internal bleeding and more testing was needed. I go upstairs get admitted and later get the news - some type of leukemia and today I'm told it's probably Hairy Cell Leukemia. Those of you that know about this type of leukemia know that of course no one wants leukemia, but if your going to get a leukemia, this is the one to get. It responds very well to treatment and remission period can be 10, 20, 30 years or more.
On the lighter side: after the biopsy one of the nurses walked me to the ward where I was going to be admitted and as we enter the ward, I'm walking in like I own the place and three doctors are waiting on us. They look at the nurse, look at me, then back at the nurse and one asks "where is he, where is Mr. Luna?" The nurse said this is him and points to me, The admitting doctor looks at me, then asks her "why is he not in a wheel chair, he just had three biopsies! Before she can respond, I say look, not too long ago I did the Tough Mudder, a week later I ran the Army Ten Miler and week later ran the DC Zombie run, so it's going to take more than you guys drilling three holes in my boom-boom to put me in a wheel chair, to which they all started laughing. I then asked if I could get a daily pass to the gym to work out and the admitting doctor continued to laugh. I was later told that the admitting doctor mentioned at his end of shift meeting that he had been having a bad day, but that after our encounter, I had raised his mood considerably.
Those of you that know me and see my postings, know I live every day like it's my last. I will beat this and be back at it sooner rather than later. Many thanks to everyone so far that have offered their prayers, help and support.
I'm at Walter Reed Bethesda Medical Center, Ward 5West, Room 6 and may be here 10 to 12 days. I'm waiting on the official diagnosis and then a treatment plan will follow. — at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
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