If I Called You, Would Someone Answer?

I was calling the other day to set up some travel and when I dialed I got a real voice versus an IVR. The funny thing was, I checked to make sure I dialed the right number.


Now how funny is that. We are so accustomed to getting a recording (you have reached...) or a support line, (please enter your account #) that when we actually get someone it makes us feel like we did something wrong.


The reason I bring this up is if we who are in the business of sales or delivering a service are accustomed to this, so are our customers. My question is, is your business focused on the customers or your convenience?


Do you let all calls go into a loop, or support line or IVR so people are already frustrated by the time they speak to someone? If they ever really do? Or if I called you during business hours would I get someone to help me right away?


I have heard all the arguments for IVR and call routing and the economies of scale, but if your business is trying to differentiate itself today, going back to a human connection will do that.

Sounds funny saying that but as Gary Vaynerchuk said at a recent conference,(paraphrase) "Your grandparents are better suited to do business today than you are. They understood relationships and common courtesies and focused on people first, not selling products." 


Sometimes going back to what worked before all the technological wizardry we have today is the right way to do business.


I know I want my customers to reach people when they have a question. What about yours?


Let me know your thoughts.

Glenn Pasch

COO PCG Digital Marketing
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Comment by Troy Spring on April 2, 2012 at 10:07pm
I think this is a great post. So few people today get "it". And you just nailed "it" on the head. So easy to succeed in this world because of peoples tech and savings thoughts.... Saving your way to a profit never produced a GREAT company... but people who build great relationships will.
Comment by edward l whiteman iii on April 2, 2012 at 3:55pm

What a concept! Actual people answering actual phone calls. A receptionist that we train and pay to get calls to the right people and then having the right people actually answer the phone! Instead we just add more choices to the recorded menu. Technology is a great thing but what about investing in and training the right people? Kind of makes you go Hmmmmmmm!!!!

Comment by Glenn Pasch on April 2, 2012 at 2:55pm

AutoSTARR thanks for response. We do focus on the end product, meaning did we sell but we also need to look at those we lose out on. @chip says it the best below, we focus a lot on what to do when they get on the phone but 30% never get on the phone and we don't look at how to improve that. I think we all would like 30% more opportunities to sell. 

Thanks to all for your feedback. I appreciate it.

Comment by Tony Abbott on April 2, 2012 at 12:31pm

Totally agree. Grant posted something a week or so ago about not losing that personal touch. Meeting people in person rather through these forums. I think that technology has made it easier to meet people, but pick up the phone and introduce yourself. Get to know your customers. They may become friends. Then you have a customer and a friend for Life!

Comment by AutoSTARR on April 2, 2012 at 10:57am

Great post, Glenn! It's so easy to get caught up in the 'convenience' whirlwind - automating, streamlining, consolidating, etc - that sometimes the customer gets left out in the cold. We need to remember to step back and ask ourselves, "Is my customer getting the support and personal attention that he/she needs?"

I love this sentence you wrote: "Sometimes going back to what worked before all the technological wizardry we have today is the right way to do business."  -- who doesn't like hearing a real human voice on the other end of the phone?

Thanks for writing!

Comment by Chip King on April 2, 2012 at 10:29am

Nancy--- I remember that discussion...You are (and were then) right on--there is reasonable focus on what happens when we do answer the phone---but almost none on the 30% that we don't!

Comment by NANCY SIMMONS on April 2, 2012 at 10:24am

In this ZMOT day and age, it is amazing how horrible a job we do on the phones... I wrote a blog about a year ago..."Does anyone answer their phone anymore?"... With the introduction of email, text, social media outlets, etc...people think anwering the phone is old-fashion!  Sometimes I think the invention of voice mail was the worst thing that ever happened to out industry!!!

Comment by Chip King on April 2, 2012 at 10:00am

It does seem easy...but many are overwhelmed by the volume and have relied on the dreaded phone tree to sort and direct--the ROI of staffing to it is undeniable. I think the real focus needs to be to build it right the first time---so may have gone "BDC" and failed there is much trepidation. Sadly, the chart below is very common until DP's see the risk their ad dollars are in.."Sales Calls by Hour for 30 days"

Comment by Glenn Pasch on April 2, 2012 at 9:47am

Frank. Well put. Too many times we cut expenses without thinking through the impact of the decision. We sometimes forget to put ourselves in the position of the customer who is looking for help with a problem, only to become more frustrated that we are not easily there to help. thanks for comment

Comment by Glenn Pasch on April 2, 2012 at 9:45am

Thanks Chip. Great Stats. Agreed. such a simple thing to fix yet many businesses are looking in the wrong place. Many may ask, why am I not selling more, but they are losing opportunities to sell each day by not having a real person answering during business hours. 

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