Increase Closing Ratios: Role-Play the Proposal at the Desk by Richard Keeney

Prior to delivering the proposal, get your salespeople, especially your newer ones, to role play the figures with you as if you’re a customer. Everyone can benefit from having a rehearsal. With this strategy you can develop trust in your sales team through this verification process. You’ll be impressed with how this strategy can improve your closing ratios with just a little practice beforehand.

It may surprise you to find out some of your salespeople were not as effective as you thought. That’s why this can be such an important tool for managers. Hold your staff accountable and praise those that shine! This role-playing strategy is focused on development and building confidence. It’s important to stay as positive as possible. Everyone can learn something from this.

When role-playing, look for these things in your staff:

  1. Are they having good eye-contact?
  2. Are they smiling?
  3. Are they using the ‘assumptive posture’?
  4. Are they asking for the business?
  5. How is their tone, wording and body language?
  6. Do they know what to say to common objections?
  7. Does your salesperson act as if he believes the deal is a good one?

You can find the original article on our website for further reading. Need help with your role-playing training efforts?  Call The Mar-Kee Group 888-300-4629.


Richard Keeney
The Mar-Kee Group
251-680-6633 (cell)  

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