I recently posted a blog called Jerks buy cars too. It has gotten over 430 views and some great reviews. It made me think, jerks sell them too. What do I mean by that? Well as a manager and a consultant for years I have had the honor to work with many types of salesman and let's face it some of them are just simply jerks.

The jerks do not last long, they are the ones who want to just throw keys at a customer and when they get back from the un"salesmanned" demo drive they like to ask the stereotypical questions;

"Wanna Buy it?"

"My manager wants to know what it takes for you to buy it now?"

etc.. etc.. "Just leave a depsoit.. someone else is gonna buy it"

They really always have some excuse why the world is such a dark place filled with non buyers. Never blaming themselves for skipping steps, being rude, feeling entitled and overall just being a jerk. They must remember just as we mentioned before they can not make decisions for the owner or the customer. But by being one of those lazy jerk salesman they really are making decisons for both of them.

I personally think it is so easy to win over a customer these days. They expect us to be that jerk salesman and when you are "different" than they expect, it is easy as pie to close deals. Hit all the steps and be nice, and then just ask for the order, believe in CARMA as I call it. Nothing has changed over the years.. it is still easy, you just have to be above the jerk line and believe in the good of the world that if you earn someones business they will give it to you 100% of the time over givng to the jerk down the street.

I hope all is well in your world,

Troy Spring
Dealer World

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Comment by Troy Spring on April 4, 2012 at 2:27pm
Thanks Marsh. So true. Its easy when they like you.
Comment by Marsh Buice on April 4, 2012 at 2:14pm

Caring is the best closing tool of all. Great share, Troy...

Comment by Troy Spring on April 4, 2012 at 10:31am
Thanks Bobby... Simple but true right...Love your Black belt series... keep it up.

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