Labor Day Tips for Boosting Your Business Growth

As I watch my students experience success in their own businesses (building their business within the dealership) during the past six months, I'm reminded that while success takes hard work and determination, there are also some stepping stones you can provide for yourself along the way that can make all the difference in the world between experiencing success now versus having to wait several years.

So I wanted to give you 3 tips for boosting your success in your business.  Tips that show you a payoff NOW rather than later!



1) Find And Listen To Good Coaches!


I've been lucky as I've had good managers where were exceptional coaches.  They were successful and I chose to listen vs ignore them. I am the first to tell you that when I decided to LISTEN to my coaches, my personal sales grew very rapidly.  You want to make sure you're working with a coach who is experienced in what you are trying to sell and accomplish, one who has been successful, and one who counts the coaching as a success only when you've succeeded to your expectations.

2) Keep Learning!


Benjamin Franklin said, "Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn"  Sometimes we feel that after the first 30 days, we know everything and that's there is nothing new anyone can teach us. Albert Einstein said, "the day you stop learning is the day you die". Selling is like playing sports, you MUST run the plays over and over and over before playing the game or you will fumble the ball.  The last quote (I promise), "The man ON TOP of the mountain didn't fall there" --- Vince Lombardi.


While your coaching and learning is an ongoing process, you should make a point to attend some kind of ongoing education or seminar, every chance you get.  Why?  It keeps you fresh in your field (sharpens the saw), keeps you meeting people you can network with and learn from, and gives you the input you need to keep dreaming even bigger dreams and becoming the best in your field.  I attended a workshop by a national trainer once who said, "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance".  People today easily spend well over $100,000+ for a college education, MBA's and PHD's considerably more. However, MOST of them will never have the earning power that we have in the dealership IF we elect to become the best- either sales or working in a management capacity.  Practice & education from good coaches is a big part of that success and earning power.


3) Take Care of YOU! 

Surprised that I have included this one?  Labor Day grew out of the rising awareness that PEOPLE ARE THE ENGINE of any business. And when you are growing your business within the dealership, it's important to make sure you are taking care of you too.  It's so easy to put your heart and soul into your business and forget to make time for you and those you love.

But if you aren't taking care of you and your loved ones, sooner or later, it's going to catch up with you, and your business may start to suffer. 

Do you have a favorite story, technique, or something you have learned from a good coach in building your business?  If so, please SHARE WITH OTHERS so we can celebrate today and all LEARN from you!

Who is ready to turn the corner on the last quarter of the year and make BIG things happen in their business?

Have a great and profitable day today!

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Comment by Bill Gasson on September 7, 2012 at 8:27pm


So very true thanks for the check up ....

Comment by Marsh Buice on September 3, 2012 at 8:45pm
Bob, great job brother!
Comment by DealerELITE on September 3, 2012 at 11:22am


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