Letter to an internet customer that we turned into a video script.

Thanks for your intuitive and sincere response. Its interesting the things you said.

As the Internet Director of a department that has three dealerships to deal with, I have my hands full.
I have a staff of three, including myself. All over the internet there are consultant types who would have us believe that they know the answer to: "How do we run an automotive internet department?" They would have us believe that for a fee, they can take all the things we have learned about selling cars over the past 75 years, and package it into a process for making sense out of the universe of information that IS the internet. I'm not so sure about this!

Internet sales is a new and unexplored platform for the complex world of auto sales. Every day we tread further and further out onto the thin ice of internet sales relationships. On one side of the card, it is my job to provide as much information as possible to anyone who inquires, thereby circumventing the relationship aspect of selling. On the other side, my job is to create a relationship of trust and sincerity, thereby making it desirable for the customer to come to the dealership for a genuine consultation with a friend in the car business.

I firmly believe in the latter. People will never buy anything from someone they don't like. Also, you can't buy a car over the phone any more than you can buy a house that way...there are just too many variables. I feel it's my job to acquire a view of the landscape of the customers wants, needs, and situation. Then build some trust and interest. At this point, my heart to serve, and genuine interest in the customer, combined with a face to face consultation will serve the best interests of all the parties involved.

No dealership has any magic we don't have, and nobody has more desire to serve than we do. The internet is a good place to start, but when things get moving, there's nothing like good old face to face. The best deals are made right here at the dealership.


You seem interesting and educated. Please give me a call, and let's chat. I would love to meet you on the phone at least.

Views: 49


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Comment by Mark Tewart on July 29, 2011 at 9:40am
Good job
Comment by Mr. Natural on July 28, 2011 at 10:47am

@ Dave...Thanks for reading, and your validation. It's people like you who will be at my side as we change the face of auto sales. Lets bury the old stereotype of the "used car salesman."
Remember how when somebody found out you were in the car business, you immediately became a "Used car salesman" regardless of what you did in the business? Well, I think these days are coming to an end, and you and I (and our associates on this blog) have the chance to deal the final death blow.

I'll be posting a new video in the next few hours entitled "The Feel Good Deal" Stay tuned.


Comment by Mr. Natural on July 27, 2011 at 12:52pm

@ Jerry...It was great talking with you, and yes...in these days of rapid digital change, its hard to tell the allies form the front men.

@ Stan...Thanks for your interest. What is it about this post that interests you most? Would you be interested in a blog post with similar equipment, a few less words, and a slightly higher price, or perhaps the same point made with a few more words, similar context, but with a lower price?

@ Bobby...I love ya' buddy...It's great having you on my side.

@ Jim...I think you are right, and all of our salespersons are indeed "internet sales people" HOWEVER...Here at our stores, sales persons are strictly forbidden from being anywhere on the internet. You bring out some interesting points, but they will have to wait for another post.



Comment by Jim Kristoff on July 27, 2011 at 10:14am

The time has come for ALL Sales consultants to be "internet salespeople"

ALL Salespeople need to be proficient working with and on the internet!

Comment by Stan Sher on July 27, 2011 at 12:25am
Very interesting...I like it

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