Maintain Your Dealer Website Like You Maintain Your Car

No matter the size of the dealership, independent dealer or automotive group, the maintenance of a website is just as important as the building of one. Focusing on this section means we leave out the MOST important aspect of the website; mobile-optimization, and that cannot be done, so here’s a quick fact to make sure that box is being ticked.

More than HALF of all traffic to your dealership’s website is from a mobile device, so having a mobile-optimized website is critical for you dealership’s digital presence. Mobile optimization allows the dealership to be visible to customers at all times and locations, expands your customer base, and helps to stand out from the competition.

Alright, that’s covered. Back to the maintenance portion of the dealership site. When first built and published, everything is up to date and correctly managed, because it's at its beginning of the website's life. However, after a small period of time the graphics and content are obsolete. Why? Because, as with all technology, graphics and content must be updated constantly, keeping current within Google and its search results positioning. If done correctly, consistent updates are a small undertaking that can provide large results.

  • Regularly updated content will always create better positioning in Google. The frequency of updating content is not just importance, its a necessity. For example, occasionally there will be dealerships who have a 4th of July event going on, appearing on their website, in August. Clearly the event is over, but you wouldn’t know it from visiting their site. This isn’t to say that subject matter should be adjusted every day, it’s a dealership not a marketing firm. With manufacturer incentives and offers typically swapped every 30-90 days, updating once or twice a month should keep the site cleaner, more relevant, and offer a better Google ranking.
  • Content must be sufficiently more diverse than ever before, essentially expanding your reach with the same content over multiple platforms. If you are organizing an event, create an announcement that includes exact dates, and quality photography. When there is press information about the dealership, use it to your advantage and link to it through the platforms you utilize (Facebook, Twitter, Website). Use QUALITY videos and photography. Instead of going through topic in depth, here’s an article on proper video quality for the dealership website.
  • The consumers’ ease of use on the website must hit all demographics as well. No matter the age, 18-80, the website must be satisfactory laid out to provide the best customer experience. Targeting the information for the specific geographical area, easily accessible contact information, and forms readily available are just a few of the must-have’s every dealer website should obtain. If the consumer cannot practically walk around the website with ease, as if they were in the showroom, they will do what anyone would do; move to another showroom.

With just a few updates such as these, the dealership will see an increase in website traffic, keep the consumer returning, and increase the contacts led into the dealership. Dealerships around the country have gone through massive reconstructive productions on the physical side of the stores. Shouldn't the same be done for the digital side of the business?

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Comment by steven chessin on August 20, 2016 at 7:11pm

"it’s a dealership not a marketing firm"

Aubrey  -  That is true in most cases - although top dealership do have someone - even departments dedicated  to do this - not salesmen wearing another hat -they are "website marketing". Some CRM companies do assume some marketing firm-type creative support. However it is done it is necessary and stale info makes a store look ridiculous. --- And when the website displays incompetence customers that have nothing else to base their decision on make that connection.  ---- But  that is the nature of customers. If you have no easy parking they leave. If salesmen stalk you like sharks. If your rest room isn't hospital-like clean. Oil-stains on the pavement. Every little detail is scrutinized  ---- but BEFORE they get there - they inspect the website.         

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