Interested in Doubling Your Sales for the Month of June? 

Pinnacle's Promotional Events produce REAL results. We currently have a NEW marketing campaign that's unlike any other in the market that's driving Three Times the traffic! Most recently, one of our clients in West Virginia last week saw 800 ups and made over a 250K in a 6-7 day Sale! This isn't just for those who had a tough May or struggling to make sales, this program works for ALL dealers. 

June is a month that is often tough to sell cars as children are getting out of school, families are going on vacation, and most car dealers are doubling down on marketing. Don't double down on the same marketing that you're not seeing results from such as Auto Trader, Cars.Com, and many others. EVERY reputable dealer throughout the US is using the same products, it's time to use an innovative marketing campaign. 

Our Owner has owned car dealerships, so he understands the pains of marketing and growth. Put simply, if you don't have the experience owning a dealership how can you provide the right approach? Unfortunately there are many companies and owners who have never stepped a foot on a car lot. Our owner has over 20 years of experience in the marketing industry, and was one of the pioneers of the promotional event company. 

How is your current marketing working? Pinnacle has developed an innovative approach that combines all marketing streams and we've adapted to the Digital Dealer approach. 

Click the link to learn more:

Watch this Video About How to Have a HUGE June

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