Showing up today matters. 

It matters that you show up on time for work. 
It matters-even if it's 2 words or 2 sentences- that you find something worth writing down today that will help shape you into becoming better than you  were before you captured it. 
It matters how quick and how many customers you are willing to get in front of today.
It matters that you are brave enough to pick up the phone and risk hearing a customer reject you instead of hiding behind a text message. 
It matters that you ask your customer optimistic building questions instead of pessimistic, narrowing ones.  
It matters that your customers demo the vehicle.
It matters that you write your customers up. 
It matters that you persistently press forward beyond the 1rst, third, and 4th No. 
It matters that you turn your customers over to let a fresh face help you.
It matters that you follow through after the sale-you not only need your clients to make your month, you need them to make your career. 
It matters that you remain walking with your customers during the frustrating moments-the moments when the warranty they paid $2500 for won't cover the repair. 
It matters that you follow up and stay in touch with your customers' lives not their wallets. 
It matters that you help others regardless of what's in it for you.
It matters that you're willing to be a student of your profession.
You showing up today matters because everything you do (or don't do) is significant to the outcome of your day, month, year, career, and your life. 
(Yes, your life.)
What you do matters, but the emphasis of those matters have the wrong meaning.  
When a customer hangs up on you...
When a customer won't get out of the car and give you a chance to help them...
When a customer gets annoyed because you can't tell them a price or tell them what their trade is worth in the first 30 seconds of meeting them....
When a customer won't demo...
When a customer refuses to come inside "for your business card"...
When a customer  jumps across the street and buys from your competitor because you didn't turn them over...
When a customer goes off on you because you dropped the ball while their car was in service...
When a customer won't return your phone calls...
When a customer gets cold feet after agreeing to buy...
Failing matters, but it doesn't give a meaning to what you are worth.  
The ill moments-the moments when you screwed up, blew up, got yelled at, or were left standing alone should be tied to matters of the day not meanings of your heart.  What you do has to matter-showing up today, facing the giants in your life, has to be worth it...if it's not worth it, don't show up. Pivot and find something worth showing up for. What you do today has got to be so significant- so important to you, that the implications of what you do is higher than the outcome that it may produce. 
The outcomes only define how well you did something- they don't define who you are or what you're worth.  
Rejection is a lesson in self-education not self-worth. Use the losses, defeats, setbacks, and almosts as education not excuses. While circumstances are the banality of most, you forge ahead, working and reworking today's defeats into tomorrow's victories.  Sure rejection hurts- we don't like the sting of hearing NO and the stains that it internally leaves behind;  we don't like the fact that we poured out two hours of our best efforts only to have our customer go down the road to save a few hundred bucks. Rejection hurts, but you must not let it kill you. 
Rejection has matter not meaning- the significance of what you do and how you do it matters. How much you're willing to give to that matter is what has meaning. 
I'll see you next time on the Blacktop. 

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Comment by Marsh Buice on May 22, 2015 at 1:35pm
Brian always appreciate the feedback and will definitely keep that in mind with specificity on the next one my friend;) I hope all is well and appreciate your support. Have a great weekend!!
Comment by Brian Bennington on May 22, 2015 at 7:10am

Outstanding, Marsh!  I noticed you posted this on the 12th, and I'm surprised I just received it today?  However, in your case, it's always better late than never.  Your grasp and wisdom of the selling process, and your ability to turn it into readable understandable posts borders on alchemy.   They're not perfect, but you lead the pack here on DE, especially when you consider your not peddling anything. Really, I know you're a GSM, but it's hard for me not to visualize you as a southern "fire and brimstone" preacher.  (Of note, your new photo makes you look like one.)  You definitely have the chops to be a bigtime high-dollar motivator.  Now, please take the following observations as just the mutterings of a real "old school" (only because I'm 69) sales guy.

Most of your "It matters" stand alone on conventional wisdom like being on time for work, but a few surely warrant you "adding some meat," like defining optimism-build questions and addressing handling personal egos when a turn is needed.  I know you only have so much time and you don't want your blogs to come off like "War & Peace," so I suggest you might zero in on one of them for it's own post, and really get into it. (I'm sure it would be dynamite.)  The way this posts reads now, it could easily close with a "If you want to learn more, get my CD and workbook for $99.95."  Anyway, my best, and I hope all is well in Lake Charles.  


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