My Fall From Grace and Rise to Glory Thanks To Forgiveness And Self Realization

As 2011 quickly comes to a close, I've been taking stock of my year and making plans for 2012. Without going into personal details, 2011 was a difficult year for me both personally and professionally as I was left feeling underwhelmed in many-a-situations. 


If you don't know me, CarChat24 is only one of the businesses that I do social media for. I also write for a blog related to Autism, and assist a Life Coach with her daily needs. Plus, I have a day job in which I help a local Philadelphia Real Estate developer.


Literally, I'm sitting amongst a pile knee deep of receipts from the last 5 years that all need to be entered into Excel. I want to walk out of this office right now, declare the mess bigger than I am, and walk away. It's my MO. It's what I do.


My own client at CarChat24 will tell you that I disappeared for close to 10 months with no contact back in 2009. I became overwhelmed. I couldn't finish projects, I was letting so many people down. But most of all, I was letting ME down.


When Shereef contacted me down the road a ways and asked if I was okay, I was truly touched and explained to him that I had an overwhelming episode of neglect and fear that I wouldn't live up to my own or his standards. He asked me again to join the team, and I've been (what I hope to be) a dedicated member of the team since.


Why this story?


Because some days are hard as hell. Your alarm goes off, you know it's time to march into the dealership and lead your team, or be a proactive member of the team. Even though it's your passion, somedays, you won't feel the passion. It's then that you need to create it. 


Remind yourself of the things you're grateful for. Remind yourself of why you're in the business that you're in. Remind yourself of the people who adore and those who you help. If you can't think of one thing to be grateful for and that you enjoy in your current career,it may be time for a switch.


I had the perfect opportunity to switch careers when I disappeared off the face of CarChat24 2 years ago, but all it took was one little "We care" to make me realize that I was in the right business. A business of caring, adoring individuals who don't want to see one of their own fall.


So thanks to CarChat24, and all of you, for making my 2011 wonderful, and I am excited to join you in 2012. 


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