New eBook: Are You Mobile and Tablet Ready?

I’ve written many blogs on the topic of mobile friendly websites, emails, and all around marketing, yet I’ve noticed that most dealerships are not mobile ready. Smartphone usage has surged past 50% while Tablet ownership hit 25% just in the past year. This trend is not slowing down anytime soon either, it’s quickly accelerating.

Customers can access your website from anywhere—they might visit at home, at work, at a store, or anywhere in between. Knowing your audience is crucial and to help determine the best strategy for your dealership, I’ve created this eBook.

You’ll learn:are you mobile and tablet ready

  • How to properly set up a website that is both mobile and tablet-friendly

  • The best methods for sending emails to mobile and tablet users

  • And much more!

  Don't get left behind! Make your digital showroom standout on the mobile screen! Download your complimentary eBook now!   


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