Vilified, customers petrified of an industry wrought with ne’er-do-goods;

Loathed and convicted of wrongs committed by others- perhaps we’re misunderstood?

What appears to me is an honorable, loyal sister and brotherhood.

Apologizing for the sins of others enduring the scorn and disdain;

A dysfunctional family trying to clean its house of any vermin that remain.

A noble troupe that put honesty and integrity ahead of the profit in the deal.

Seeking to meet the needs of clients with our products what shame should we feel?

Craig Lockerd and AutoMax search for quality, bad-habit-free recruits,

Replacing the chain-smoking, cretins still wearing plaid suits.

Guys like Verde and Cardone come in to fire up and sharpen the troops.

David Johnson innovates enhancing customer service as does Rob Hagen,

Passionate professionals, well travelled too that’s how you get a New Hampshire cajun. 

Susan Hair’s Women Certified gives the good-ol’-boy-network a kick where it hurts,

A good Sales Manager cannot fear getting their hands in the dirt.

Ralph Paglia leads the charge raising our banner high,

People like Aaron Kominsky and Jim Radogna share insight and wisdom sage,

Joe Brunner and Bobby Compton show a better way to earn a wage.

Nancy Simmons handles the business with a magic touch,

Christopher Ferris blogs and blogs and blogs so much.

Names like Pasch and Jimmy Vee keeping peddlers informed,

Chris Saraceno’s and Mike Myers’ drive inspired dealerElite

A virtual place for car folks to share, encourage, blog, post and meet.

Kevin at TK Worldwide makes sure dealers hire the best,

Fast talking and blowing smoke won’t pass the test.

There’s Dr. Archuletta ensuring the voices of the ladies are heard,

And Bill Goodfriend looking to give you a laugh or smile or kind word.

Personalities like Joe Webb and Jim Ziegler, salty but true

These and more if you were opening a business you’d want them with you.

Closers like Manny Luna and Taffy Smith make sure deals get done right,

To mention every name, time would fail me tonight.

As for me I’m proud to count myself among your numbers,

Until the last deal rolls, nobody sleeps and no one slumbers.

Coffee and burgers, late nights and stressful days,

Grateful that when you do it right and well it pays.

Don’t grow weary you are needed in what you do,

Don’t compromise let your conscience see you through.

Farewell for now, never good bye

Till we all meet at the big Used Car Lot in the sky.


(okay, I really am hoping and don’t believe it’s a used car lot in the sky, but it rhymed)

**forgive me if I didn’t get your name in

Brad Alexander

Views: 45


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Comment by Brad Alexander on April 29, 2011 at 11:34am
Wow! Thanks Nancy- you made me blush- not easy to do.
Comment by NANCY SIMMONS on April 29, 2011 at 8:59am

Then there is Brad Alexander, author, composer and friend

Poet, Singer/Songwriter....The list will never end!


Check him out on "Lot Damage", The 'ol Car Dawg at his "best"

With satirical humor, he puts car folks to the test!


Belting out his "Car-Tunes", these songs you won't forget

For three easy installment payments, you, too can own a set!


From Alaska, Mr. Brad Kargui now proclaims the news

This thing is going viral with thousands of clicks and views!


Brad's a gifted should really take a look

I hear his gift has been passed down...his kids just wrote a book!


A family man first.. It's crystal clear...He loves his kids and wife

He loves our God, committed to serve, Brad lives a faith-filled life!


He provides us daily with smiles and laughs, for that I sure am glad

The auto industry is certainly blessed to have a man like Brad!


Comment by Brad Alexander on April 26, 2011 at 12:05am

Haha! Yeah, Chris- Brad Pitt and I have a LOT in common.  Thanks.  Hope you enjoyed the piece.


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