One More Thing: Follow Up To How To Be A 20 Plus A Month Car Salesperson

              Although I could certainly give more than just one more thing, this report is based upon specifically on one thing and this is prospecting.  Top sales performers know that lead generation equals dollar creation. Top performers look to create more leads from more sources and to have higher productivity from each source.


               First of all, I would invite you to create a marketing web. Take a piece of paper and put a dot in the middle. Next, I want you to create initials for the name of your new business and put those initials right above the dot. It is important for you to name your business to take ownership of the fact that it is your business. You are the CEO and nobody else is responsible for your success. The dealership signs your check and you fill in the numbers. You are responsible. As I tell my son Jake everyday, “Think big, live large and you are in charge.”


               From the dot, draw lines outward from the dot and then name the line for each way that you get leads.  Walk-ins inbound phone calls, be-backs, Internet and all other areas. For each area that you get leads begin to draw sub spokes of all the different ways to can create for that area. Your mission is to create as many different lead sources as you can. Your marketing and prospecting mission is never finished.


               When you enter the business, you spend 80% of your time getting customers and 20% of your time maintaining them. Everyday your mission is reverse that order. You want to get customers from your customers and you want built in methods of lead acquisition that come from a combination of set it and forget it methods and also methods that require your daily or weekly physical action.


               Answer this question, “Who does business with whom you do business with?” Ask, “Who is doing business with clients in an endearing and enduring manner that I could add value to those clients and because of that value add value to that business as well.” Always, think about how you can add value rather that coming from the perspective of how another business or person can help you. You MUST give value first. Solve someone else’s problems first and you in return will receive what you need.


               Piggyback on those existing relationships to add what they cannot. Find the opportunity gaps. The market is never completely filled. New opportunities are created everyday. Every solution also provides new problems, which creates opportunities.


               Who is serving your market with a different product or service that you can align with? Alliances expand your base quicker than anything else you can do. Network, network, network! Opportunities will come towards you that you could never have dreamed of. The old phrase of “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” has at least some validity. You can be knowledgeable, work extremely hard but if you connect with the right people add value to their lives and create relationships your world will forever be easier. Those connections will put your knowledge and hard work on steroids. Ultimately, your success will partially be determined by the circles you enter and the value and relationships you create once you get there.


               Think of yourself as an expert and not a salesperson. Value yourself on a higher level. Think of yourself in a completely different manner. People value and pay experts but push salespeople away as a nuisance. Your positioning is key to your success. Stop being a beggar and be an expert. Experts do not have to beg.


               Write, blog, create reports, videos, testimonials, speak and declare your expertise. Do not be afraid to claim your expertise. If you do not, nobody else will. If you are the worlds biggest expert and you are afraid to let the world know you will never be acknowledged. There are no expert police who will come and give you your credentials and anoint you.


               Create your expert positioning in a niche area. Be the King of something. As Dan Kennedy says, “Be somebody, be somewhere and do something.” Do not try to be everything to everyone. When you take walk-in traffic you are taking anyone and trying to be something to everyone. That is a recipe for low sales, low profits and higher frustration. Create a better model. It is your sandbox and you can play how YOU want.


               Find niche markets, niche industries; niche businesses, niche players and dig in like a tick with your expertise. Be “The go to person” for that area. Contribute so much that you have to be noticed. You create market share once you have created market share of mind. Once you have done this you will begin to experience business coming to you rather than you scrambling to get it. This forever changes the relationship dynamic and creates a power positioning.


               Start writing down all the areas you can address.

1.     Coupon swaps

2.     Presenting for groups and associations

3.     Creating and giving magnet cards

4.     Creating and positioning videos of expertise

5.     Sending printed and or email newsletters

6.     Alliances with credit unions, companies and banks through VIP or Employee Purchase Programs,

7.     Alliances with body shops or other auto vendors

8.     Alliances with insurance agents and real estate agents

9.     Give gifts of wow created at delivery. Videos, Picture postcards, Picture calendars

10.   Ask for referrals formally using a delivery sheet that asks for cars and drivers in household, person to buy their trade, 3 referrals.

11.  Have CRM sequenced letters that ask for referrals

12.  Utilize CRM to reward your customers in some way

13.  Send video email follow ups

14.  Send informational videos

15.  SEO your videos to create Internet leads

16.  Use for prospects, be-backs and sold customers

17.  Have your own VIP program for customers

18.  Create mugs, drink wraps etc with your caricature and your info to give to customers

19.  Create a caricature with your brand

20.  Create all your social sites with your brand – facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin

21.  Utilize cross promoting on your social sites

22.  Offer a Secret deal of the week

23.  Offer a recipe of the month

24.  Create personality branding around you with pictures, caricatures and utilizing stories, pictures aetc about you, your family, your interests

25.  Collect cell phone numbers with permission to text message

26.  Create your own web site

27.  Create your own video walk around presentations

28.  Create your own self printed booklet of buyers information

29.  Create special reports for buyers

30.  Create Be-back CD’s


        I can go on forever with ways to prospect and follow up. The bottom line is that you must commit to a plan and continually add to the plan. Most salespeople never commit and are just too lazy. Most salespeople rationalize that these things either will not work or are not worth the effort or make other excuses such as they lack time or money. You never lack time and there is never a lack of money. You may lack ideas and effort on getting things done but there is never a lack of money in the world.


        I am going to get in your face one more time. Are you lazy? Do you make excuses? Are you willing to settle for being average to below average? Do you make excuses as to why you are not successful?  Stop it! Make a commitment and start taking action. The more you do, the more you will be inspired.

“Think big, live large and you are in charge”

Views: 558


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Comment by Mark Tewart on September 20, 2013 at 8:25am

Thanks Jim

Comment by Mark Tewart on September 20, 2013 at 8:24am

Thanks Katie

Comment by Jim Lowell on September 18, 2013 at 10:57pm

Mark - very well said and I know you can go on forever and before you know it you would have been at 50. instead of stopping at 30.

Comment by Katie Colihan on September 18, 2013 at 9:59pm

Those 30 tips are GOLDEN. Going above and beyond will be the difference between being on top one month, and staying on top. Great, Mark!

Comment by Mark Tewart on September 17, 2013 at 8:39am

Thanks Pat

Comment by Pat Kirley on September 16, 2013 at 6:57pm
Mark, Excellent and great advice, I love your description of a expert and a salesman, it comes down to adding value to the product, dealership and ourselves.
Comment by Mark Tewart on September 13, 2013 at 5:04pm

Thanks David Lewis for the kind words. I admire your work. You do a very good job.

Comment by Mark Tewart on September 13, 2013 at 5:03pm

Thanks David. I am glad you were able to be there.

Comment by David Lewis on September 13, 2013 at 12:09pm

Mark....very good article.  I enjoyed reading it.  David Lewis

Comment by David Ruggles on September 13, 2013 at 7:08am

Mark - Enjoyed your presentation at AutoCon.

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