Pick up the phone - its your paycheck calling!!!

Can the majority of Auto Sales consultants give good phone????

There are Metrics in all industries that show people develop a perception about you within the first 30 seconds of a phone conversation and their final opinion of you in the last 30 seconds. Effective communication in the workplace cannot be underestimated. Poor communication is responsible for mistakes and no sales.
Start taking notes when calling a potential customer. By taking notes you can verify with them as well as yourself, the important points of the conversation and the important highlights of their needs and wants. Sales people make the mistake of jumping straight to the questions without motivating the prospect to answer. You can motivate the buyer to answer your questions by telling them that there could be potential benefits.

Before you can overcome an objection you have to know what it is. If you pay close attention to your prospective customer, they will usually tell you what is necessary for them to make a purchase. At every opportunity you must let the prospect know you are in his corner. If you are looking out for the client’s best interest and they know it, many sales objections will never come up. Always Be Positive!!!! When you repeat a negative conclusion or response made by your prospect, you are validating it and reinforcing that position in the prospects mind-obviously avoid. The client's resistance decreases each time you effectively answer his questions adequately—so make sure your explanations are clear!

We have all had experiences when the salesman hasn't stopped talking vs. listening, and you sense yourself being pushed to say 'yes'. This is not how to make a sale or encourage someone to buy from you again! Remember in world of psychology, giving people a choice between something and nothing will almost always result in a choice of nothing.  I challenge businesses to think that every time their phone rings, it is their paycheck calling. So, I would like to know what practices in stores’ are found to be most effective in assuring a 50% appointment ratio and a 50% show via the phone. Do you know your stats?

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Comment by Michael Baker on February 28, 2011 at 12:55pm
Agree with the importance of this vast opportunity for more capture of What the customers will enjoy most from a store experience, starting on the phone at least 20% of the time. The fixed operations center (if integrated can provide significant enhancements for appointment setting with calls coming into the stores 2.5 to 1 for Fixed Operations. P&A requires usually very knowledgable staff with the 10,000+ items that are stocked, but why not back every potential opportunity, that is likely going elsewhere if no telephonic connection. Going outside would likely capture all the information that is needed for the dealership staff to follow through with expertise.
Comment by Lizelle Landino on February 27, 2011 at 1:21pm
Michael let me be clear and tell you that chat does not replace BDC by any means. BDC needs to still be able to pick up the leads that come in within a good turn around time. Under 2 hours I suggest! Most dealers have BDC or internet people dedicated to answer and respond to these queries! BDC is a need since the mentality and conversation level from sales people compared to bdc is very different. I suggest the skills of bdc and internet people just step it up to focus on skill training. Depending on the size of the dealership, some have a full bdc staff and smaller ones a few staff dedicated to internet leads. Chat only increases leads and quality of leads. Dealers are still responsible for the quality of responses and quality in sales.
Comment by Michael Baker on February 24, 2011 at 6:13pm
Do the majority of members here that are dealers use an outsourced professional firm like a carchat or do you have one-2 individuals that are specialists telephonically or does your BDC handle all incoming calls to SET appointments? Who tracks the # of calls to actual shows to actual purchase? I have found over the last 20 years that the telephonic prospect has much more propensity to buy from us than the daily walk ins. Obviously fewer calls come today relative the publication of AT.com that provided us 20+ calls contingent on the volume of the store. Today, the fewer calls are more critical than ever to maximize their inevitable results. Please respond to my inquiries above, if you would.

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