Teach it, feel it, do it. If you are willing to talk the talk, then walk the walk. If your process is very easy for your staff, and seemless for your customers, then life in the auto industry is fantastic. The desk system, should be pumping out, 6 or 7 payments, on every deal. Sales staff, should be running back to their customers, with HUGE smiles on their faces, saying, we have a deal, here are your choices, which one would you like? Finance managers, can't wait, to take the turn, because everything from the desk, to the close, was smooth.  Your staff, spends an hour a day, getting trained, RIGHT?


      We know that we are, complimenting everyone. We are telling our staff they are the best of the best. We spend alot of time training, working on every scenario, RIGHT? We sell the best products in our finance departments, believe in the products so much, we have them on our own vehicles, RIGHT?


      Owners and managers, believe in the processes so much, they are willing, to desk the deals, close the customers, with the AWesome pencil and take the F& I, turns with ease, RIGHT?


      PUT UP OR PONY UP!!!  If you believe, in your heart, the processes are easy for everyone, you should have no problem, stepping right in and making it happen. CLOSE those deals with ease. THAT'S PUTTING UP!!! 


      IF you cannot do this with ease, then the process has flaws. GUESS WHAT? YOU are going to PONY UP BIG, IN THIS MARKET PLACE. It will cost you, all over.


      TRAINING THE PROCESS: Everyone must know their part like walking down the street. The sales team has to be prepared at all times. The desk system, has to teach and explain, with passion and closing SKILLS. The finance team, has to want to get every deal financed, take every turn, with total expectation to deliver this vehicle, NOW.

     The finance team should have the products they sell on their own vehicles. Now, you can close with conviction. Sell from real strength.


     Remember: TEACH IT, FEEL IT, DO IT.. Make sure you PUT UP!!!! 



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Comment by Tony Provost on June 16, 2011 at 9:27am
BC. Your energy, has me ready to leap tall buildings in a single bound. THANKS for the encouragement.
Comment by Tony Provost on June 15, 2011 at 12:43pm
Fran, I couldn't agree with you more. Keep it fun and inspiring. Thanks for your great comments.
Comment by Tony Provost on June 15, 2011 at 12:41pm
John, I find your perspective, very interesting. Thanks for commenting. Have a wonderful day.
Comment by Tony Provost on June 15, 2011 at 12:40pm
Tony, Thanks for the kudos! We will have something new, stay tuned. Have a great day.
Comment by John Fuhrman on June 15, 2011 at 12:22pm
Monkey was an analogy.  Closing is a result that can only occur if the process is followed.  That's where the skills lie.  Those who master the ENTIRE process are also great closers.  Managers who manage the process have successful sales people who stay with them an everyone prospers.  I agree with Fran that sales meetings should educate and inspire and go way beyond taking attendance and seeing who has appointments.  Find a close that works for you and stick with it.  Follow your process and you'll see the results in higher sales and gross.
Comment by Tony Sutton on June 15, 2011 at 12:18pm
Fran, great point, sometimes the people are led by weak GM's and what chance do they stand. How do these people keep these GM jobs??? In fact, how do they get them in the first place??? Back to the talent pool, there are good people out there but finding them is the key.
Comment by Tony Sutton on June 15, 2011 at 12:14pm
Tony, I say it again, excellent post. I think its neck and neck between you and Dave Anderson who I enjoy reading the most. Keep it up.
Comment by Fran Taylor on June 15, 2011 at 12:08pm
Interesting comments here guys. I think there is more talent available now than ever before. The problem is some dealer only want to pay a few hundred bucks a week and work everyone to death. This gets them the week people .  Now it's the managers or the trainers job to train people that should be there to begin with.           Not so sure a monkey can close a deal. I don't believe a sales rep needs to learn 50 or more closes like other trainers say. Do the right job by getting the customer on the right car to begin with and do all the steps of a sale and it's easy.                                                                                                                                     I was at a dealership a while back and sat through an hour of wasted time as far as training. GM asked who are you working today to each sales rep? Who has appointments today? What is your game plan today to everyone. Good questions but NO TRAINING at all. Not one time did anyone clap or laugh. Tough to start a day this way.
Comment by John Fuhrman on June 15, 2011 at 11:35am



Good job. 


Sales is not a result, it's a process.  Too often dealers want us to come in and train people to be better closers.  The reality is, monkeys can close deals.  But if you're not comfortable with the process, adn believe in it with everything you have, even a monkey can't help.  If sales people master the basics of great greetings, solid interview/needs assessment, and then work with managers who have a passion to look for every opportunity to solve a customer need, closing is almost automatic.


High pressure selling only occurs when someone skips a step and tries to cover for it by forcing a deal.  At best, the result is low gross and unhappy customer.  In dealerships where results are more than marks on a board, the process is key.  It starts with the dealer supporting his management team.  That transfers to managers who really want to help their sales people sell every customer.  And it ends up with sales people looking forward to working at that type of store for the long-term.

Comment by Marsh Buice on June 15, 2011 at 10:40am

@Joe agreed; we have to spot check and listen how our people are greeting our guests and what is being said; coaching cant all be done in the "tower"

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