Welcome back, my friends, to our video series, Quality of Life!

We’ve been discussing Ali’s record-breaking month in December of 2018 and how he used the Five Pillars of High Achievement in it. Last week, we began to touch on that fifth pillar - RELATIONSHIPS.

Let’s go back to the work we gave you a couple of weeks ago. Did you keep your I Am list and Five Pillars worksheet? You’ll want to go ahead and get those. If you missed that one, just click here to go back and take a look.

Okay now that we’re all up to speed, let’s go ahead and finish that worksheet together. Remember, I’ll be filling in my work with Ali’s answers from the way he felt in December of 2018, the month he sold 202 units.

Let’s get to work!

Using the adjectives in your I Am list, fill in the blanks under CONSISTENCY by answering the question: What qualities, characteristics, and values will I need to practice so that I keep my business on track every day?

Ali’s Consistency

  • I Am Laser-Focused
  • I Am Organized
  • I Am Determined
  • I Am Accountable

Using the adjectives in your I Am list, fill in the blanks under RELATIONSHIPS by answering the question: What qualities should I walk into every situation with to grow my relationship tree?

Ali’s Relationships

  • I Am Present
  • I Am Friendly
  • I Am Giving
  • I Am Charismatic
  • I Am Helpful

Last week, we began to discuss relationships. I invite you to watch this week’s video, as we elaborate. It is our intent to help you grow your business. To do that, you’ll have to do the work, you’ll have to be patient, and most importantly you’ll have to give back.

How do you grow your tree?

  • Be involved in your community.
  • Create personal relationships from dealer driven opportunities.
  • Be present in the places you go.

Engage, get to know people, ask what you can do to give back some time.

What Ali did in ten years, we want you to do in four to five. We want to help you create a profitable, scalable, sustainable, and healthy business. We want you to know without a shadow of a doubt that if you feed your tree, your relationships really do give back.

Everywhere you go, you should know someone. Actually... everywhere you go, you should know everyone. And more importantly, they should know you. You shouldn’t have to hand out cards, ask for referrals, or solicit business in any way. These are your friends! Of course, they’re going to ask for your expertise. You are a trusted advisor. They know that you want to help them find an affordable car that fits their needs. They know that you’re going to be able to help their friends find the car they need to be comfortable, and their children find a vehicle that keeps them safe.

Join us in the 100 Cars Club to take me and Ali on as YOUR personal coaches. Click here to learn more!

Tell us in the comments below, “How do you give back?”

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