Report: Top Sites Visited by Women When Buying A Car, the leading dealer ratings and review site for Women buyers, conducts ongoing research through our Women’s Satisfaction Index (WSI®) report to provide dealers with important insights into buying habits of women. asks women to complete an optional 25 question survey about their dealership experience after completing a dealer review. An amazing ninety-two percent of women complete this extensive survey primarily to share their experience with other women! There are separate sections and questions asked for Shopping, Purchasing and Service. The survey also asks women to list the sites they visited during their shopping experience.

Listed below are the top sites women visited from our most recent 3,200 surveys.

1. Dealership (41.27%)
2. Manufacturer (39.75%)
3. KBB (39.62%)
4. Consumer Reports (22.23%)
5. AutoTrader (21.34%)
6. Edmunds (20.38%)
7. (18.85%)
8. Carfax (15.29%)
9. Craigslist (7.64%)
10. JD Power (6.05%)
11. (4.71%)
12. Autobytel (2.29%)
Total adds up to greater than 100% as women can leave multiple responses.

Obviously it is important to understand the research habits of women because they account for over 50% of auto sales and are involved in at least 80% of the purchase decisions. Additionally, research shows that sixty-five percent of all customers taking their vehicles in for service are women. That's a lot of buying power!

The data mining available in the WSI® Dealer Insight report offers actual behaviors and experiences of women who have written reviews at dealerships. The analytics and findings of the monthly reports provide critical information to improve personal sales interaction with women, resulting in better conversion rates and sales. Imagine if you could increase your sales to women just 5% by understanding their buying habits. That’s an additional two-million dollars in sales based on the average 2013 sales by dealership of $41.3 million.

For more on this topic, Click here

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All dE members will receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here

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Comment by Anne Fleming on December 8, 2014 at 10:42am

Sharon -- agreed and agreed! 100%. Thanks for all your critical feedback and engagement in this conversation. My best.

Comment by Sharon Hill on December 8, 2014 at 9:51am

Anne, I totally get that and yes, you provide a great service. I've actually written about you. My comment was in response to someone's suggestion that  we look at a women-focused listing site. I'm saying I don't need to look at listings that are posted for women - I need to look at listing that are posted for all vehicle shoppers. Remember Honda's attempt at a "car for women" - it was pink and called Fit? Gag me! I do believe it failed miserably. No way I'm driving a pink car named Fit. I'd rather have a red mustang, one that really "gallops." In other words, don't make assumptions about me, based on my gender. Try listening to me instead. 

Comment by Anne Fleming on December 6, 2014 at 4:50pm

Sharon, Exactly! That’s the point…and the problem. You say you don’t want to be treated differently….I AGREE. But women are not treated as men at many car dealerships. Our certification process identifies dealers that treat women with respect…the same respect that men are shown. According to a recent Ipsos “Socialogue” poll -  women are 50% more likely to rely on online reviews than men. So we  make it easy for women to find dealers tat are ALREADY treating women fairly and respectfully. 

Comment by Sharon Hill on December 6, 2014 at 8:43am

FWIW, as a female shopper I don't want or need a female-focused anything. I don't believe that women want or need to be treated differently - that in fact is the problem, that they often are. I just want to be treated as everyone else - every male. With the same respect. The idea that you're going to give me a different place, different site, or different attitude, for my car shopping, is an extension of the problem that already exists. and offensive. I make it a practice of never attending any female-only anythings. Every time I hear of a Women's Expo, for example,  and check it out it's about fashion, and jewelry, and hair care and crap that's my least concern. If any woman tells a dealer that women want to be treated differently, I must suggest she's not an equalist, and she does not speak for me or any of us that are. 

Comment by Sharon Hill on December 6, 2014 at 8:29am doesn't seem to be live, Martin. 

Comment by Martin Logsdon on December 5, 2014 at 4:26pm


Comment by Sharon Hill on December 4, 2014 at 9:43am

David, agreed. The report is simply where they visit. I am as surprised by the OEM traffic as I am by the dealership site traffic. I think this isn't something to be used to determine the path women use to buy vehicles - for that it would be misleading. Not enough detailed questions asked about intent and path. 

Comment by David Ruggles on December 3, 2014 at 10:23pm

Now THIS is REALLY important information.  One wonders how KBB got so high on the list while Treucar is at the bottom?  I suspect KBB's site is often used for trade in info whereas that isn't what TC does. 

some of our industry's vendors have some 'splaining' to do, IMHO!!!


Comment by Anne Fleming on December 3, 2014 at 8:00pm

Sharon - We ask what sites did you visit? Not what path did you take to get to the dealership site. So it is entirely possible that a percentage had visited a 3rd party site first...however we have no way of knowing.Thanks for asking.

Comment by Brian Bennington on December 3, 2014 at 4:12pm

Happy Holidays Anne (lest I don't respond to one of your posts before then),  I do hope you'll answer Ms. Hill's question here.  I'm curious about it, too.  

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