The Value of Continued Training

Every week while training advisors either live or in webinars, I am reminded of how many people have a real fear of role-playing.  Most people overcome this fear and even get quite good with continued practice.  The key is getting them so acquainted with benefits and information that they do not have to search for the right words.  Our goal is to make their presentations flow off the tip of their tongue so that when they are with a client they can focus on them and their individual needs instead of what to say.  Nothing makes a presentation less effective than hearing it delivered with filler words and phrases such as:

  • Basically
  • Kind of
  • Little bit
  • Uh
  • Might want to…
  • Also
  • OK OK OK well you get the point


These phrases tell your clients they are not confident or knowledgeable enough to communicate effectively. When they are searching for words their body language changes too.  They will break eye contact or even turn away from the client to the security of their computer screen or the car.  We constantly remind them that the write-up is about fixing the client's perception by giving them critical information and making them feel confident about making additional purchases and leaving their car. The computer, vin number and paper work can wait until are clients are reassured that we are the right person to take care of their car!

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Comment by Sally Whitesell on January 8, 2014 at 8:49pm

Wow great comments, thanks! I don't see how anyone can prepare to be the best at anything without practice. I'm pretty sure most successful people do not just "wing it". Usually they rehearse over and over and look for opportunities to get honest helpful feedback. Braden good point! The words and the body language have to match and show confidence and sincerity.

Comment by James Russell on January 8, 2014 at 8:48am

Practice,Practice, Practice, Drill, Drill, Drill, Rehearses, Rehearses, Rehearses, do you get it now

Comment by Braden Cox on January 7, 2014 at 6:08pm
Not only are filler words distracting, but filler gestures. Practice not only what you say but how you say it. I stop myself if I am having a hard time spitting words out take a quick deep breath and slow down. Once I get my speaking groove back on target, then the words flow more naturally. I have found that when I take that breath, smile while making eye contact the customer detects sincerity and will help build unspoken rapport.
Comment by Rebecca Chernek on January 7, 2014 at 5:44pm

Love this Blog! Today of all day's I received a comment from an F&I Manager who is considering my workshop- I offer F&I training- interactive workshops- and lots of role-play! I explain that my workshop is very interactive with lots of role-play and that I also offer continuing education which includes lots of role-play... what does he say... "I don't do role-play"... the moral of the story?

Comment by Anne Fleming on January 7, 2014 at 5:17pm

Oh Sally! This is perfect. Practice, Practice, Practice. It's what it takes to become an expert at "being" with people..... but boy,oh boy, we sure don't want all that "role-playing". You keep making a difference out there. What you do impacts all the service leaders and members-- which, in turn impacts all the consumers - who choose to do business every day at our dealerships!  Btw, I do not think you could have come up with a better title for this blog!

Comment by Amy Kern-Smith on January 7, 2014 at 12:37pm

This is absolutely true Sally.  Words have power and giving our clients our undivided attention is a must!

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